SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

One of you cucks shoot me an invite.

GGs @FlyingVe, gotta cut it there though

Rearranged my evening schedule so I can go until 10, but

Seems that’s not quite enough :frowning:

Your offense is steadily getting better, but still gotta not be so greedy with the heavy buttons. Zeku’s the one character in the game that gets a bunch of extra recovery frames on his heavies for reasons

I thought about it that for a minute too. Turns out that in order for HK koku (the straight kick) to combo from st.fierce, it needs to put in hella hit frames on it. I’m assuming that there’s some math related nonsense going on with the numbers of the hit stun and block stun to make it work. Similar reason why he is +1 if you do a stance change on block from Old Zeku’s stand HP.

Huh? It just combos if you cancel it.

Nono, he gets extra frames of recovery on whiff. He has less recovery on hit/block.

IIRC this is the case with both old and Young Zeku’s sthp and sthk

They don’t want old Zeku going around ramming 8 frame stand fierce into people’s grills.

Tell that to Kolin


ryu would be so much better if he just had better V triggers, like probably top tier.

Vt1 can be 3 bars and not drain with fireball and dp use and VT2 should have a 1 frame start up.

Boom ryu is way better

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Ok obviously Vega is bad but I find it irritating as fuck that people say he has bad antiairs. Like the character has a million flaws but people constantly meme about one of the few things he is decent at.

s.hk for far jumps into potientially 25%
c.hp in both stances works well for closer jumps
Air Throw for crossups
Jf. Light or medium punch for anything you react late too (you land at +1 except against Abi or if you are super, absurdly late).

He can AA at pretty much every angle, on top of the fact that he has the best walkspeed in the game. Hell he can even clap some aerial shenanigans with EX.FBA. The only way it could get much better was if he had a DP. And ironically if it was faster his heavy slash would functionally be a DP since the hitbox is so gargantuan it may as well be air invincible.

The only characters he struggles to address in the air is Akuma because of air fb, and his new EX Roll is basically tailor made to beat that move lol.

Ed’s OG costume white color is clean as fuck.

Hard to hate on it.

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You could remove the drain on FB and DP and leave it two bars lol it’d still be a mediocre trigger. Same with VT2.

GGs @Pertho

You outies?


Also holy shit. Cr.mp buffered into psycho upper is crazy good to check dashes with. Canceling that into super is Necalli easy too. Hell even for whiff punishes that button is good.

Yeah, got some rollback so it was hard to focus on what I was trying to practice.

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Bullying people with Gief feels so good and so right. Even made a Guile drop his controller and give up mid match today.

Having multiple options to cover diff angles is having bad anti-airs, Vega doesn’t have anything close to a catch all.

Having to decide 1 of 5 options every time they jump is bad, needing to think more than necessary is bad.

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Except that he can reposition himself better than any other character. And besides you can just IAJ.MP and beat whatever they do with its god tier hitbox and force them into a mixup.

Also I highly disagree that your AA is bad if you don’t have a catch all option. It’s just not braindead. Is Chun’s AA bad too?

But in any event AA’s are definitely not the thing keeping him low tier.

Chun has two AAs, Vega has upwards of 4.

Veserius always said he had good AA, you just have to think more than other characters to unlock it.

I mean maybe but its not some galaxy brain level of thought.

And Frost firstly Chun has 3 options: s.lk, b.hk, and air throw.

Second, Vega has 4 options on paper but in 90% of jump in scenarios its just 2, s.hk or c.hp. In practice I use s.hk 80% of the time with the remaining 20% as air throw. Only break out the j.mp “tech” against characters where i need a catch all option due to changing jump arcs like Rashid divekick (Eagle Spike?)