SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

long into SF
VS zangief, backdash on wakeup expecting CG, backdash gets CGed twice. Close game.

It’s just when I look at this list.

The stuff that appears overly results driven to me includes…

  • Zeku being in the toppest tier just because he won Evo Japan and almost won Final Round. Ok that’s 2 tournaments of that high placing sure, but he was also carried by another character in the GFs of the previous tournament and well, Zeku is still Zeku. He’s basically what Vega wants to be (switch character with honest trigger that’s actually good). Not sure that’s enough to make him way up top though.

  • Kolin being way up top. Sure, she’s had some strong results lately, but they’ve mostly been carried by Momochi and the character itself is kinda polarizing matchup wise in who they do well against.

  • Karin being way up top. She is really good and capable of winning tournaments, but it’s too easy to just pick Birdie or Gief and shut her down. Punk eventually will run into more of those two in brackets and he’ll need a character switch or else you won’t be seeing him as often in GFs down the road.

  • Boxer being almost top in a separate tier next to Birdie. Ok yeah BrianF did great at Final Round, still don’t think that’s enough for Boxer to be that high. Still too easy to pick a grappler to slow him down enough to force a switch and he still just isn’t as cheap as the tops.

  • MOV almost gets top 8 so she needs to be in the 3rd row from the top? Not seeing that.

  • Menat has some rough matchups vs top tier, but I don’t believe they’re so rough that she needs to be in the 4th row. It’s only a matter of time before Wong and Sako get back into a groove with her and just keep pocket ready for the roughest matches. Funny enough of rashid, zeku, bison, ibuki, kolin, akuma, Falke I would say clearly does better vs Zeku, Ibuki, Rashid and Akuma than Menat does, but you still have Falke near way bottom and Menat apparently does so bad vs all of them that she is where she is on your list.

  • Guile is still Guile. No way he’s going to stay that low.

  • Kage too low. Has too many things that other characters wish they had. Not being Akuma isn’t bad enough to be a bad character.

The other stuff outside of that isn’t bad and you could have some things that were moved for reasons that weren’t results based, just clearly a lot of things are out there that just seem very “I watched some streams so this is what I see” type of stuff.


She’s been buffed and has a neutral now outside of st hk and st lk. Mid tier imo at most. I watch a grandmaster sakura player called ceelows and he thinks she’s top tier. And he’s a former akuma main.

I don’t see kage being better than Ryu,Alex and sagat honestly.


So we think Ed is the worst character in the game?

Doubt Sakura is ever going to reach top tier he’s probably feeling his own character too much, but she is solid and Ceelows is good. Flaquito has already shown she can do work.


Worst characters to me are ed, Laura, claw.

At times I think claw is the best of the 3, but shit is still shit at the end of the day.

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If I can offer my 2 cents.

I think some of these lists are overly granular. They are putting divisions between tiers where the characters aren’t really that much better worse. Too much detail can lose the message.

I scrubbed together a quick list to organize my thoughts… and I have like, 4.5 tiers. (Can post if people want to pick me apart)

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Yeah, this feels sort of right.

Where do you guys go to make those images? I wanna make one.

Yeah I feel more comfortable putting characters in groups. Just saying Ed is the worst character in the game makes him seem unplayable compared to other bad characters.

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Screw it, here’s mine. Much less detail, but I think less detail is appropriate. No real order within lines.


Blanka, Sim, and G are too low. The bottom row is general is too crowded.

I think agree on Sim and Blanka on second though. G is just too easy to not be a character the whole round.

I think the crowded tiers are appropriate, there are lots of characters in the “fine but not good enough” range in this game, and I think breaking them apart loses the narrative.




Yeah i think that’s pretty good.

G could go one up, but hes basically the epitome of a win more character. He has strong neutral and his robbery is off the charts, but he can also get robbed the most easily of any character in the game. Robbing real good is nice, but not so good when if you block 2 or 3 times now you are probably going to be robbed free

Thats why i generally dont agree with how high Vesper places G. Its not worth being hella outa meta as soon as someone gets close to you


Yeah, he’s on the fence.

Do you think he belongs better as a “good bad character” or a “bad mediocre character” though?

I kinda have him in the “good bad character” spot.

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Good bad character seems close enough

My list

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Yeah G isn’t amazing but he is much more capable at executing his gameplan than the rest of that tier, especially with VT1 pop.

Like i don’t think he belongs in the same group as Laura.

This is why I left out the granularity.

G isn’t good… nitpicking the details of how not good isn’t super important in the grand scheme of things.

If I were to break out the bottom tier, G would definitely be in the top half… as would most bottom tiers really.


In that same breakout… laura would be in the bottom half.