SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Wesker is the best character in the game.

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Well are the holes filled or not?

Kolins tier placement depends on it.

Like in Chatshire’s tier list the top tier is somewhat decently put together through looking at results, but the middle of the list is a mess of stuff that can only happen through looking at the results way too hard.

I wish Capcom would do more theme packs with random costumes like sf4. Where’s cowboy Ken!?!



Costume is dope, would have bought it if capcom knew how to communicate with asking for $$$

Sure, it’s not way off. This game has been around long enough that there won’t be a lot of extreme variance like the wesker example.

But looking only at results, characters are often over/under represented.

To pick on one. Using the results focused method, how can Akuma be high tier?

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i mean, it’s not like that’s the -only- thing i placed shit on. a lot of that is my gut feeling - gut feeling is why the characters i’d be fine with moving are where they are. in some cases there are characters that aren’t getting results that i know for a fact are tied to player performance alone, and those characters are almost definitely (imo) going to get good results down the line. or in other cases characters got ok results but it may have been a fluke. or if it’s blanka i just have faith

if anything i think the opposite is true. people let what they personally like or dislike or get frustrated by or whatever dictate their lists and that makes a lot of characters get represented in stupid ways. or they look at things in a vacuum (that’s how you get posts like ‘how can you call this character midtier/whatever when they have x/y/z’ which is nonsense)

Wrong ideally a tier list should be
Akuma 1st

the character I you plat last

anything in between: hunting season.

hush Volt.


Can confirm, sweeps in lag might as well be unblockable. Twin of all people was getting hit with the lag strats. Fun times.

Already announcing extra battle stuff for late april/may? Yeah we aint gettin nuffin til EVO


it’s right after the Leo costume ends, pretty standard actually.

This new forum software allows users to quote someone’s intent. Just need to know the BBCode.

You don’t even want to know what the mods have access to.

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Can they quote my soul?

Everyone ranking Cody that high is making me feel real bad with how I play him.

Why is Sak bad?

Only if enough of it is related to Street Fighter. They are still limited by their mod scope. Don’t want anyone going crazy with power.

Well Pertho probably could but he would just say all our souls are weak '09er bitch made souls and tell us to continue trying to git gud.

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She has fucking terrible matchups. She loses to all the top tiers and outside of st. Lk and bk. Hp her buttons are shit. She works way too hard for the reward she gets.

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Other moving ken, Mika, boxer, and necalli up I mostly agree with this.

Oh and throw Laura down with Ed. How people still rate her so highly is beyond me.

Also should make a tier dead center for juri, Ryu and Falke. They’re perfectly mid tier in my eyes.