SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Gief 29, Abi 30, Laura 20 Urien 7 Akuma below Menat and Bibson, also the severe downplay on Juri, not even Juri players downplay her that much.


Abigail below Nash, Laura, Fang, Sagat, Chun, dhalsim and Falke. Nash still top 15. Fucking eventscrubs. Jesus it’s worst than I could have ever imagined.

Looks good except for gief being damn near bottom 5.
But tbf no tier list is perfect.

Few posts up post number 1454

Nah juri mains definitely downplay that hard. :thinking:

Hey i didn’t say it was perfect. I was splitting in more into regions. Like in general the top and bottom 10 or so look ok.

Exactly, which I why I also think you need to heavily consider the character them selves too.

We don’t have all that many super successful Akuma players, but it’s obvious how good that character is.

Likewise, there are several strong Kolin players, but she has some significant holes in her toolset and some bad matchups.

may be true. we’ll see

and i already said i’d consider moving zeku/bison down. i think out of everyone in the higher tiers the ones i’d be most comfortable changing would be bison, zeku, balrog, blanka

I admit it’s dope.


Ooooookaaay time to get the strap. I draw the line here fam


Problem with looking at results (at least almost purely) to make tier lists is that it effectively no longer makes them tier lists. Just Sports Center style casting of current stats/results. The Eventhubs tier list is mostly that as it is minus some outlier things.


That zeku costume is sick.
Might be time to hop on the bandwagon lol.

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Yeah ideally a tier list should be like
33% tourney results
33% online win rates
33% just raw looking at tools

Agreed completely, but you can’t completely ignore the results.

The results act like a field test of sorts.


Probably closer to 80% tools, 20% results, and 0% online win rates.

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I don’t remember typing that…

Yo daaaamn…

I’d spend 3.99 for that.


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Yeah results are part of it, but most bad tier lists usually focus too heavily on current results.

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It’s pretty high quality not gonna lie