SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I mostly ignore Karin till she starts shitting out damage and you see the gorilla she really is. Lmao

Also you can’t have bison in S tier and deny Mika/birdie.

Bison has a fair share of shit matchups.

At the moment you need to have char stronger than the average (like char with 900 health - so akuma having more tools than ryu is a given). Maybe rashid could with qol nerf. I feel Akuma’s/Ibuki/Karin are in the right place atm. Just buff the lower/mid tier is my approach.

Her neutral is definitely good, but not as strong as akuma/Karin. How many pros do you know that would put Mika in S tier?

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We really gonna revive this meme again?

They never did enough. Maybe except Ryu. Look at Vega and Ed, still garbage tier.

Which part of the reason its a meme. It’s more realistic to ask and expect nerfs for 3-4 characters than buffs for like 6-12. Not that I don’t think it’s the right way to do it, it’s just a pipe dream.

So I’m looking at Rashid’s frame data. He has a 5 frame medium that moves him forward and is +3 on block on top of a jab that leaves him at +3 on block too.

Whose insane pet project is this character?

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I don’t put much stock in what pros say. Recall how they all thought akuma sucked? Pepperidge farm remembers.

I’ll form my own opinion.

You say that like you dont know hes also been the english voice of Sagat since SF4

It’s not as simple as having to nerf the top tier because they’re simply top tier. Some are intentionally strong because they have to charge their specials. Or they have 900 health. Or in case of Bison have a unique design where they struggle to open you up (cmd grab, overhead) and have slow walkspeed on top. Bison was considered to be trash in s1.

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Jacqui is bland?

How? in a game with Kano, sonya, and Cassie.

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That was only in the first few months. I havent seen a single person put Mika in S tier since season 1.

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So what? Luffy likes to downplay and calls Mika mid tier at best. Foh like their opinions are infallible.

Hell even problemx was downplaying bison.

I’m not referring to biased people though. I mean from someone that doesnt play the char. People that main them tend to be oblivious to their character’s strengths. I often downplay my main too. It’s scrubby and dishonest, but its what people do.

So an actual character that is the definition of a solid character gives the “solid” mika a bad match up? :joy:

Mika is gimmicks, she has decent normals and tools that play into her gimmicks. A mika that isn’t using silly VT gimmicks among other things is a mika that’s not winning as much as they could be, kinda of similar to alex…


Zeku been bad for a long time but season 4 got us Zeku mains eating good.

I’m legitimately worried that they might nerf him when he is at similar power level to a lot of other god character.


Meh to those.
She has ok buttons, with her strong suit being her AA.
Her Oki is actually mediocre outside of the corner. She only gets scary midscreen off brimstone/wingless, everything else if you backrise she gets a meaty that is 0ob

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Mikas corner carry is still retarded so the lack of oki midscreen isnt too relevant

Are you really on this horse again?

Having a well rounded kit =/= playing honestly

We have been over this several times. Rashid has a very well rounded kit but he is not an honest characters.

By your definition Sagat is more “solid” than Mika when the latter is obviously better. Literally nobody is saying Mika is an honest character.

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