SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Yeah watched your Kotal break down. Sounded like you were on the verge of giddy giggling the whole time. Glad to hear that he is looking so good.

One of the reasons I’m excited for MK11 is that there are 2-3 chars at this point that I’m legit pumped to play and more reveals keep on coming. Enjoyed Skarlet in the stress test to start, looking forward to trying out more later.


They made him bigger so I knew you’d be happy.

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Jacqui is some of the blandest design I’ve ever seen, I don’t know what people see in her.
Kotal is a cool design though, I liked him since MKX.

Anyway, Moron Kombat is trash, when’s Charlotte reveal for Samurai Shodown?

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Yeah, but you get paid.

Landing an EX DP puts you back in neutral. But if you are in a match where you are struggling to keep control, that only does so much.

Kolin puts you on your back, with an icicle over your head and 25% of your life missing.

Also her V skill is quite good, and lets me ignore some stuff.

If you were talking about MKX Jacqui, I’d agree with you. MK11 Jacqui is a different situation entirely. She has a far better visual design and more importantly a far better fighting style. The Muay Thai with a sprinkle of MMA tossed is leaps and bounds better than the generic CQC she used in MKX. For the people complaining about the lack of long combos in MK11, Jacqui certainly scratches that itch.

Side Note: I like that they want Kotal Kahn to feel like a boss. He didn’t have that feel in MKX.


Like a boss? Kotal got dicked down in his own trailer.

Yeah not saying it is bad or anything. Just different.

The one place where it might be worse than an EX DP is vs command grab chars because they are a little more likely to hit the grab side of the triangle. With the trade off being that she can box out grapplers pretty well with her kit (I think Mika would be the most likely PITA due to the jump mix up but that isn’t a Kolin specific problem).

The other upside to her counter is that even though it is CC state it isn’t as obvious and frankly trained against as a whiffed/blocked DP, so people can bungle up the punish whereas everyone has an EX DP punish on deck mentally.

Her V Skill is great. Was even better/obnoxious early on when it was easier to space out to be safe. The current version is a good trade off between still being effective and useful without being too spammable.

If only Ibuki’s VSkill has that sort of balancing.

Salty not Salty.

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No Sub Zero in the pre order beta. That’s weird.

But they’ve already nerfed her a couple of times, including the VSkill. Can’t even win a major against Karin/Rashid.

Honestly she may need some buffs. :upside_down_face:


Apparrently, you didn’t watch Kotal’s gameplay showcase. He can stack totem buffs.

You could even combo off it. At that point in time it was arguably the dumbest move in the entire game.

Edit: or maybe the second dumbest, considering that was the same season that had Laura’s st.MK.

So you are telling me we need to nerf Rashid too?

I’m on board.

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No Scorpion would be weird. Sub-Zero usually gets shit on by Scorpion in every MK reveal trailer.

S2 was a helluva thing.

They keep doing it but he is apparently unstoppable. He is really well built for this game so unless they really drop the hammer on him hard we will be dealing with turbulent winds up until they turn the servers off.

He didn’t use to be.

When they decided to let him do damage shit went downhill fast.

Her gamrplay looks cool, but her design could be in any boring fps battle royale.

They are nerfing whim without really addressing why he is good.

For example a couple frame adjustments here and there doesn’t address the fact corner is meaningless to him.

His only issue was damage. Hell they could’ve kept his damage the same and he’d still be ridiculous. They even gave him oki and when you corner him you’re actually cornering yourself. Character is fucked 10 ways to Sunday, nerf hammer can’t stop him.

Yeah you need to just completely clap him to really affect him.

I’d say just give him gargantuan damage nerfs and call it a day.