SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Yeah no.

What I need is to relearn how to actually play neutral. I never noticed until now how much shit Ed has to bullshit his way out of having to play the neutral at any time or how the corner pretty much is non-existent to him.

Don’t play Ed! Play the proper neo shadoloo char, Falke.
Ed sucks. Ed is everything wrong in the world. Falke is butterflies, love and marmalade skies.

I already said I’m dropping him permanently. I’m not playing Falke either.

But, but, but… Falke. :frowning:

Btw her light VS is unsafe

Her anything v-skill is always unsafe unless you space it perfectly.
But most people don’t know it is -10 so you can walk away with murder.

What? I meant Ibuki fam

Its not the frames that are killing me. Its the backstep.

Ibuki is a thot. Why would you talk about her her?

I know but you should know so its more risky for me not to charge it

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I think playing Ed may have permanently warped my game. Idk if I can fix it. My motions are sloppy, I am getting Negative Edge all over the place… If nothing else it will take months of course correction.

Figure out a couple of combos that give you oki, one crush counter combo, one for ending with super and you’re off to the races.




He is playing Ed. He is too far gone for any of this to help. :frowning:

I already have all of those. Problem is no matter how many hours I’m putting in to try and pound them into my very being so I don’t even have to think about it…ultimately my body won’t respond how I’d like it to.

It’s ridiculous, I can play a bunch of different Marvel characters with no issue but apparently playing a second SFV character is impossible.

Btw when i meaty you with her c.hp after her DP if you quickrise its -3

I think backrise us +

Also try whiff punishing her VS. Kolin is pretty good at that i think

Fuck i picked her bum ass VT2

And I picked Kage. You are fine.
