SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

He got the real chip and throw game. SFIV Bipson had no chip just mash lights all day and meh throw game.

SFV Bison is half anime Makoto, but at least he got the chip and throw game again. You gotta hold his shit like you used to.

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Let’s look at all the reasons why that post is wack. You see there are several reasons why that post is wack, the problem is the vast majority of you guys haven’t stopped to really look at the situation.

  1. Daemos claimed he left the forums.

  2. Daemos suspiciously posted as soon as another member had issues with Cipher.

  3. The post wasn’t made as a thread starter, it was made in the SF5 lounge.

So what are the underlying issues here: first and foremost Daemos chose to stop posting for his reasons. Didn’t tell anybody, instead he just left. So while you guys were all worried about him, he didn’t really feel a need to say some peace out type of message. Then it gets a little bit worse. Because he didn’t actually leave, it turns out he’d been lurking. The immediacy of that post more or less lets you know that it wasn’t some chance timing. It could’ve happened weeks ago, days ago, nope, waited until something happened with Cipher.

But that isn’t really the overall issue. The real issue is that Cipher hasn’t done anything that’s worse than the legit bad offenders. This isn’t a Po Pimpus situation. Cipher isn’t really going around shitting up the whole site. Matter of fact, he used to post in the Cammy subforum. So for all intents and purposes, he is literally a dissatisfied SF5 player. He comes here, talks about anime, and complains about SF5 like crazy amount of people have. I have certainly taken massive dumps on this game multiple times.

But he doesn’t want Cipher banned. But in that very same post he basically blames DJ for Cipher. I’ll quote:

Implying that I should contain myself to the story thread because YOU, a moderator, do not want to tell Cipher to quit his persistent bullshit is surprising to say the least, and not very assuring of your judgment

I said he does not belong here (the SF5 thread/forum)

We (the mods) can’t manipulate Discourse’s software to add functionality. That is entirely out of our control. OTOH what Daemos did was basically come in and blow up DJ for not banning Daemos in lieu of there not being an ignore function.

But wait, where did Daemos say that:

  1. We didn’t take functionality away from anybody. The options were to either lose the subforums altogether or move on to discourse. As a matter of fact, the mods weren’t even told first. The people who found out first were the admin and the front page writers. They could’ve told the active mods but nobody did.

  2. After all was said and done, we still have to moderate somewhat fairly. If you guys are beefing, then we let you beef for a bit. But if people aren’t really breaking rules, and they are doing behavior similarly as shitty as a lot of other people have, it makes it hard to regulate it.

  3. If this was a serious concern that pressumably has been building up for months, then he should’ve PMed DJ about it.

Instead its this passive aggressive stuff of “GRRR I can’t ignore people” and then “GRRR why won’t mods do something about the people I can’t ignore.” contrary to popular belief, the second part is basically banning for X amount of time. We aren’t mind readers. There is a lot of functionality we would like that we can’t have.

But blowing a gasket like that and essentially trying to tie a mod’s hands into doing something you’ve heavily implied should happen isn’t the way to get shit done.


@bchan009 is who you are looking for…I think that is his SRK name.

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I literally let people shit on SFV here and I like the game. Long as it isn’t like full thread derail like Po I’m good. Nobody is doing Po levels of thread derail or hijacking. Long as you aren’t forcing an agenda on the thread or it doesn’t move then fine.

You can easily get past a Cipher post. It’s not a big deal. Unfortunately people who know they get tripped over his views go HAM with him, but that’s their problem.

I accept what he likes and what he doesn’t like and that he doesn’t take over the thread with it. It’s just his thing and not much worse than anything Zio, appo, Pertho or anyone else does. Everybody has battles over the games or which ones are the most worthy. People jab each other for their history, that’s how it goes

Yorkey wouldn’t last more than a week the way people are acting and he was here for a LONG minute during Vanilla.

SF2 Bison was my first partner in crime, I will always love good normals, up close man game, quickness and throws, SFV Bison is too anime for my taste, reminds me S3 Bison in part, less agile but more powerful. Makoto is an extreme evolution of all these things to me and I also remember why I hate Gief so much.

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People still going on about this.

I was just slaying Skaven and this is still going on?

If everyone donates me 100€ I leave the site.
(and will only make one more post presenting my new Ramlethal figure sponsored by SRK salt)


We’re closer to the 10k limit, creating beefs here and there leads us closer to the goal even without Capcom help. Yesterday I was talking about “The Lord of the Flies”, I think Capcom are the officials who arrived on the island while the bad kids are trying to kill the only good one left.


Rage/salt flowing from new Star Wars info and SRK savagery has been top tier.


Yes let us stop and look at the situation here as you attempt to twist my words and remove the context in which they are written and paint me as something much darker.

1- I did not. I stopped posting and took a break recently as a combination of my discontentment with the SRK experience and also because I was going through personal real life matters that demanded my attention. The negativity on here did not help during those times and I chose to put my attention elsewhere. It doesn’t mean I didn’t care for the concerns people had for me, all of which were well received but I was not in a good place to reply. I appreciated them dearly. What I did say is that I will not be participating any longer if the administration chooses not to respond on a persistent problem here.

2- Nothing suspicious. I do visit this thread every now and again as old habits do die hard and almost 2 decades of my life is not a short amount of time. He was also not just another member, but Highland. Some one I greatly value and respect here for his contributions to our shared experience here. The thought of losing him too bothered me enough to speak. So why shouldn’t I weigh in and speak my truth? I would do it for most any of you!

What is entirely in your control is regulating the content of threads. Threads are topical by default and they are that way for a reason. Why should I have to suffer posts about anime or anything unrelated to SF5 CONSTANTLY in the SF5 thread? Why should I have to endure posters who do not care about or even play SF5 in a thread dedicated to those who play and care about SF5?

We get it. Cipher walks that line where his posts are not bannable offenses, but they are shitty enough to put off members. We get it that it puts you in a tough situation and you as community leaders are being asked make tough decisions because of it. This is your role. Own it. Look at your options and think what would be the judicious thing to do to balance, restore, and moderate this place given the predicament at hand. Cipher is just one example, there were others before and there will be more in the future. What will you do?

Instead I was met with the equivalent of ‘kthxbye’.

The simplest resolution would’ve been to try to get things back on topic instead of allowing the baiting, trolling along with the nonsensical non-SF5 to continue. A simple “enough.” could’ve sufficed. But there was none. Nothing. No action was taken, which is an action in and of itself. The message was clear after that, Cipher gets to pull his bullshit on you, and you need to be blind or not a snowflake. Or leave.

The Discourse update that allows the ignore function is available by default, and the mods of the SF5 forum can actually attempt to ensure the SF5 forum actually remains about SF5 more or less. Your hands are not tied, we all have it in us to do something to inflict change. Even if it is a small thing. @d3v

Cabin Fever at its finest.

cab·in fe·ver



  1. irritability, listlessness, and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter.

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Ban this Bison stan. He’s derailing the thread with all his bitching. I don’t like it and it offends me. It’s either Capcuck shilling or bitching bout NegTiVitY in his safe space.

Gonna need the mods to get on this. :thinking:


Child, I was on this forum when you were a fucking embryo and I will be here long after you. Fuck off.

You want us to regulate the content of threads. The only way for us to do it is to regulate users.

You didn’t make a request a long time ago to try and get us to to bring that function to the site. You made a long ass post about your woes on how DJ didn’t “regulate” Cipher so you left.

So ban him. You want cipher banned.

See how you’ve been asking for Cipher to be banned multiple times but Frost is a numbskull who didn’t get it?

You got a list of other people you feel should be moderated and reasons why? Let’s really look into this.

Secondly the ignore function is locked behind the god damned discourse beta, as previously mentioned, which means moving software stuff that neither DJ nor I have access to. Problem is that we don’t know what doing that would cause either. Because software always has a way of breaking down in unpredictable ways.

Once again: where’s the list of people you need regulated?

You’re saying that not me.

You’re also saying this not me.

People who needs to get banned:

  • Everyone who doesn’t like SFV
  • Everyone who says something negative about Bison
  • Everyone who doesn’t agree SF to have a Story above a bad Saturday morning cartoon.

How many times do I have to quote your nonsense for you to understand that, given the tools mods actually have access to, you are asking us to ban people?

Because at this point is pretty damn obvious what you’re asking. You’re just being passive aggressive about it. not only that, you’re using the fact that people like you as leverage.

You could’ve made PMs, made a thread asking for the ignore function, or done all sorts of things. That’s not what you did, what you did was constantly talk about how the SF5 mod should’ve done something about Cipher. There aren’t many system tools other than bans so, what’s up, when are you gonna be honest about your beef?

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You’re literally asking for the thread where people talk about random stuff to be brought back on topic.

Do you legit realize how little sense that makes?


So while that fire is kicking, might as well get this one out as we get closer to the 10

You’ve already done had drunken tirades and left this forum before. Nothing new for you to punk out of the forum. You might come back, you might not. Seems you were sober this time so we’ll see. I’ve seen others have rough breaks and come back here and are still here now, so surely you are capable of that.

Don’t know how you can have back and forth with me, but Cipher’s little thing throws you off.

You’re still effectively an acting 09er that should have more than SF2 and SFIV fireball chucking under your belt. Would help you not be helpless when you run into a Rashid in a tournament. You still better let me know when you beat some Masters and GMs and get to some Master rank. If you don’t I’ll check your CFN until you do (or don’t because that could happen) any way.

If you in the UK next year and CFN willing we’ll fight again and it’ll be much harder for you. Much much harder. Especially if you’re still using the Burger King. Good luck old man whether I see you in the next thread or not.

Also get some other games under your belt. Play some Neutral Kombat 11, Samurai Shodown, UNIEL, get some other cheap stuff under you. Will help you with SFV and in general.

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The issue was raised before here at least on 2 separate occasions by others and myself. Did at any point the mods intervene to tell members to cut it out or stay on topic? Did at any point the mods escalate the matter to their superiors to see if a software update was available? Or does DJ’s job begin and end with the closing and reopening of the SF5 threads that reach their limits?

The thread is about random stuff within the context of this forum. It is still the SF5 thread in the SF5 forum. If that means nothing, please make note of it in the thread title for your users and readership.

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You whiny bitch. Got the gall to call someone a child but you can’t scroll past a few posts?

Don’t let my join date fool you. I ain’t the oldest here, but I wasn’t a child just cause I didn’t join back in 02’.