SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

You mean he should learn to use more in Neutral than 236LP,MP,HP and 623LP,MP,HP the whole round?

Nah fam, thats all you do in old school fighter.
You’re also not allowed to jump, cause only scrubs do this.
Rushdown is cheap and braindead.
Why would you ever use a move other than 2HK for pokes?

09ers are actually pretty entertaining. They’re so full of themself.


I always thought this was when you were stuck in a cabin or wherever with a broad you wouldn’t normally fuck but since she is the only option you lower your standards.

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Looool this thread is hilarious right now. Its bombing atomically, Sophicles’s philosophies and hypothess can’t define how you guys are dropping these mockeries.


This stuff seems so unnecessary.

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You seem unnecessary.



Can’t forget whiffing buttons is bad and shouldn’t happen and stuff.

Like SFV dash punch is doing most of the whiff punishing.

Might as well get it all out before the next one.

Glad you’re back.

Lol look at these scrubs not playing the game to the rules.
Lol them not picking character that need skill to win with.

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Poongko don’t care in every game.

Only for a bit. Giving you guys a chance to clap @Vhozite

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Ok jokes aside Daemos is ignoring Cipher to post here right now.

I’m about to enlighten my brother @Daemos like @Maravilla enlightened me.

You ever wanted to kill somebody? Or not even that just fuck them up? I have, but I refrain because I love freedom and jail ain’t for me. Like my mom always says, nobody is worth jail time.

That’s how you gotta go about this. You hate Cipher, but are you really gonna let him deny you the pleasure of browsing SRK with your friends? You’re giving him too much power over you.

Whatever you decide I hope you find peace.

Also Eskills got like 3 kids because in typical nigga fashion he can’t wrap his shit up.


Why can’t we all just get along


Real talk all the fighting game lounge threads had random discussions even before the patch. Wouldn’t all this cowering from cipher be resolved by simply making a separate SFV thread and label it On Topic Discussion? :thinking:

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We don’t have the traffic for another thread. You need real hard traffic to not have competing threads swallow one another.

This thread and the Story thread have been the main 2 active threads and it’s been working for like 2 years or more?

Fuck you


Hey don’t talk to him like that!

Don’t let your hate for Ed blind you :frowning:

I deny him the pleasure of his dream bubble.

SFV is

shit and SF Story is a bunch of random event, thrown together that make absolutly no sense.
The characters are flat and lack personality in every area.
Bison is a terrible villian and has more clichees riddled into his charismaless character than your average shonen anime.
The only consistent thing are the retconns, since literally every 2 minutes Capcom retconns their entire lore.
Also you punched into the heads of everyone that the SFIV OVA’s were canon, what every blind person could see wasn’t even close to the way.

Your Waifu sucks @Daemos

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Why have you not been banned.

Nothing but trash.

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Yooo Vho is straight savage calling me out like this. :anguished:

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