SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I figured Smug would be in the preferred V camp. He objectively brings up differences between IV and V more than tries to vouch for one or the other and seems to enjoy the game a lot.

He didn’t really have a character until Boxer launched, but once Boxer hit I knew “that’s his character, that’s his shit”.

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That list has Justin Wong on it, when he clearly said on numerous occasions that he likes IV better. From the comments:

“When most people say SF5 is bad, they’re probably comparing it to Street Fighter 4, which is a far superior game in general”

Looking at the thread starter’s response, I suspect that he’s heavily biased towards V and had a vested interest when he made that list.

New season, new mechanics and balance. I didn’t watch the whole stream with James Chen and Ultra David, but I did catch the part where Chen was saying a lot more pros are coming around to SFV and are enjoying it. I’m paraphrasing, but he specifically said “Those who are saying the pros don’t like SFV, that’s not true”. He talks to pros way more than anyone in this thread does. Whether Justin likes the game now? Who knows, ask Chen on his stream.

I would take with a grain of salt what people say who are on Capcom’s payroll. They are ultimately the game’s and the company’s representatives, so they would not portray the game in a bad light. Even if 9 out of 10 players preferred IV, you would never hear them (Capcom’s puppets, not the players) say it.

Thread starter is a S+ tier shill for sfv.

Did you not see the tier list I made?

People love downplaying how much 4 got shat on. Some of it was wrong, but a lof of the complaints were on the money.

Seriously if Capcom had just told themselvesl “Alright, the rushdown is kn point, but how do we fix tools so there are more ways to defend and play in the middle of the screen?” then this game would’ve gotten better sooner.

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Think it’s irrelevant in the same way that the people who preferred competitive SF2, Alpha and 3rd Strike over IV slowly became more irrelevant (at least to those that were playing IV and enjoying it). Like the 16ers who are enjoying V are super deaf to it all.

The only real thing to see now is how many people prefer SFV competitively over 6. Which if history shows, you’re going to see what is expected.


As an aside, Punk won top 8 of Final Round abusing V-Reversal and sacrificing V-Trigger. I seriously think people need to start complaining to get V-Reversal fixed.

Part of that is if Karin hits you with a bar or 2 is basically an extra V Trigger.

Which is a good thing as it also explains that the top tier isn’t just all about who cheeses trigger the most like some people throw out all the time. Zeku is one of the good characters now and his trigger is slightly better version of the shit Vega has basically.


If ever there were a character or a Vtrigger to sacrifice for Vreverse… it’s Karin.

She doesn’t need V trigger, and her Trigger is aggressive mediocre. Burning it makes perfect sense to me.


VTC is the best thing about her trigger, but it’s nice that she has useable ones regardless.

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I want crush counters to come back in future Street Fighter games, but with the following tweak. Crush counter buttons become chargeable, similar to Urien’s st.hp and you don’t get a crush counter unless it’s fully charged, otherwise you just get a regular counterhit.

I realise this limits the design space somewhat where certain buttons just don’t make sense with this new limitation, for example Alex’s f.hp just wouldn’t work in the same way, but I think that’s a sacrifice worth making.

You end up with a similar kind of game of chicken that focus attacks enabled which I think is fine.

S2 was primarily the “pop VT and win” Season. Laura, Ibuki, Urien, Rog, etc were all at their peak with that shit in addition to their regular stuff.

Sure steal Unis idea, sounds brilliant to me.

What’s Unis

That’s what Capcom does though just swap in GG.

Uni is i assume UNIST?

Under Night in Birth Ex Late[est]

Chargeable heavy buttons that have unique propertys compared to their normal versions.

Edit: and yeah Capcom is copying ASW mechanics left and right.
They just make them bad with their half assed waterd down attemtps.


09er’s!!! XD

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Oh okay. Yeah I don’t see the harm in adapting ideas, if it works and is good then why not?

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Only mechanic thst needs to comeback are the guardbreak attacks from the EX series.

Dont @ me.