SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

You can rematch as many times as you want (though most people I run into won’t rematch if they think they might lose) that’s not the issue.

The issue is that the point system basically has built-in point inflation now. Up to a certain rank (a formerly very difficult rank to reach) you’ll always gain more points if you win than you’ll lose if you lose.
This is bad for every conceivable reason, except for inflating egoes. Bah.

I’ve seen plenty…
… of course it might just be the hearts they stole from guys, but hey a heart’s a heart. :man_shrugging:

-I’m ashamed of how long it took to find the new Field of Fate stage after I purchased it. I legit thought the stage select was bugged for a second and forgot about alternate stages.


Ah ok I see. Basically you’re getting hugged and kissed for winning and barely slapped on the wrist for losing.

That’s why I prefer tough ranking systems as even though they usually have their flaws, it forces you to be more consistent and work to beat those players that are higher ranked/skilled. If rank coddles you too much then you get lazy and don’t feel any of the stress you should like you would in a tournament.

I didn’t buy Akuma’s stage on PC so luckily Field of Fate was the default stage displayed when I bought it. On PS4 I’ll have to remember to switch the stage.

This Super Plat Akuma I enjoy fighting here uploaded the FT5 we did this week to youtube. That is pretty cool.

I can see a lot of mistakes I have done like not trusting my AAs in some cases, reacting poorly to Akuma’s f. HP on wake up and specially, dropping the winning combo on the 7th match because my mind was set on hp xx kapult xx CA and my fingers dropped the hold on MP, leading to shot coming out and I not being fast enough to adjust and just CA there.
Overall, it was a very fun set because he plays Akuma patiently and not ham like ye old Akuma player. We almost went to time over twice in this FT5.

Hoping to get more FTs with this guy and fix my mistakes so I take the next one instead of losing 5x3. :slightly_smiling_face:


Orange sherbet Falke is cool. I love Lettuce Becky Lynch Falke in Field of Fate stage as her dress blends into the grass and fits the color of the stage.

Akuma f+HP is most annoying when you’re dealing with the ones that use it in footsies to try to hop over your buttons. That’s like one of his aces to deal with your standing buttons as long as he doesn’t mind risking losing his turn if blocked (or gets a free one with VTC). It’ll hop over all of your standing buttons free and gives him a full combo if it hits, so something to be aware of.

As far as dealing with wake up f+HP that’s just something you’ll have to play more lame to deal with. If Akuma is right next to you on wake up, just don’t press anything. Worst you’ll take is another throw that he can’t get amazing oki off of. Akuma has all kinds of stuff to kill pressing buttons on wake up, so you might as well just yolo EX PP or super as pressing buttons immediately on wake up = quick death. Only press buttons after you’ve seen that he’s trying to shimmy or wants to delay hitting a button so you know you have room. If you wait and he does delayed f+HP then you can reaction AA/air throw it, or just block it and take your turn back.

I was seeing that you also get bodied by dash up grabs in the corner like I do, but I want to assume the dash up grab is not real any ways and could be checked. I’ll have to training mode it.


One of my “favourite” ways to lose is by being dash up grab in the corner and then grab looped to death!
Fun stuff.


Looks like acho was only a test stream. 4 hours of the demo rolling LOL.

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Watching Bea’s replay,

Is anti airing with v-skill a thing? You have two other better ones, don’t think you’d need to use something so cumbersome.

Gets you some nice V gauge I guess. The improved hit box on V Skill probably makes it slightly more viable especially vs empty jumps.

It covers his air fireball at that distance. Free vt bar.
You will see the v-skill eat the fireball and hit him at some point.

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Alright people have until pools start at No Capcom Reveal/NCR tonight to lock in their bets. (west coast tourneys start late so plenty time)

Anyone else who wants to be in start posting and I’ll start adding in over the day.

Whoever wins will get the mysterious crystal ball that Menat already sees the S4 DLC content in. Dan’s sister is coming.

Can’t wait to see Tokido take a wake up super at NorCal.
Coolkid showed that he will just take it. Other people will exploit that!

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G makes top 8 at No Capcom Reveal yay, just because no one have faith in the President


If you want in, lmk your position on all 3 bets. Even if you don’t get the crystal ball, being the only person to call the president in top 8 probably deserves an award on its own lol.

And yes, no one has faith in the president.

That stream was kinda dead. :joy::joy::joy:


Yeah there was only like 17 people watching or something. Bad time for anyone not in Japan even if they were actually doing an event.

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Tokido - Yay
G - Nay
Punk - Yay

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Nice variety. Some hopeful people finally. I’ll add it in.

Tokido does get hit by wake up CA. But it’s not on stream.

No G, in top 8 or top 16

Punk does not win.

The first one sounds like nay any way lol. On camera/IRL stream also counts so if you want to bet it happening you have that going for you.

I’ll have you in the bets.