SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

The idea of ranked is to make each match worth winning and not losing. You also have to take into consideration, if I win the first game, I can then play like an absolute mong in the second because I’ve still got a free game to win all the points.

It wouldn’t weed out bad players, it would probably make it just as bad.

Imagine sitting down for a days ranked and winning 50% of every single match you played for a grand total of zero points. That wouldn’t be very fun.

I like the system in some ways just because it’s objectively different from other systems and it does force a level of consistency that is necessary to do well in tournaments. You don’t want to drop the first game to begin with and ideally want to win without giving the opponent a match leverage.

Just I prefer to learn to be consistent vs stronger players than play points roulette vs the lower ranks with wifi connections.

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I mean if you just mindlessly grind ranked yeah that’s bound to happen. You should aim to get better by actively improving so you don’t run into that. The current system encourages players to play until they plateau they keep going because technically they can still “progress” that way.

Yeah you have the option to fuck around game 2, but anybody worth their salt would tighten the noose, especially in momentum heavy SFV. You see it happen in real sports all the time where one team gets ahead then starts to dick around and ends up getting got.

Edit: If SFV Ranked was NBA Basketball yall are tryna tell me that the first 3 quarters are less/unimportant or not worth winning because you only get the W after the 4th.

It would be dumb as fuck to lets team opt out of the last 3 quarters because they are winning in the first, but for some reason that logic is passable in SFV.

Highland joking about young ppl these days even tho Ranked is millennial participation trophy shit designed to make otherwise underperforming players feel good about themselves by enabling them to climb.

Ok i swear im done goodnight


I don’t mind people bouncing after the 1st game. If that’s how they want to do things for whatever reason then so be it. But the guys who rematch after losing the 1st game only to leave after winning the 2nd game really gets on my nerves. They care nothing for trying to prove they’re better than you, they just want to feel the satisfaction that they got you last.

I played a Urien a few weeks ago and we ran into each other like 3 times. He won the first set 2-0, I won the 2nd 2-1. 3rd set I’m up 1 and have a huge lead in the final round of the 2nd game. He manages to make a big comeback and I guess he was feeling himself so much that he didn’t want it to go to waste if I came back and took the set. So he bounced as soon as possible lol.


You have to remember they only made it FT2 because people couldn’t get games. FT2 was nothing to do with the original points structure.

You still decide if you want to play 1 2 or 3 games.

Also ranked blows, it’s a fake mode to make people feel better about themselves. Jin’s just showed you he engineers it to maximise points.

If you can’t win a game against a crazy, you won’t be ready to face the crazy’s offline.

No use being good against only good players. If you can’t beat bad players that’s probably a bigger issue.

That’s my ten cents anyways.

Just do what I do - don’t play the ranked mode unless you have to.

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Been always a thing, I saw people go Diamond doing this 24/7. In S2 even the Disc in VT state was -4… you know what they’ve done later.

Damn, the wire to my stick got loose on my TE2 at the end of our match. I shoved it back in but forgot to make the stick my main controller again. I wasn’t sure why I couldn’t hit ready. That’s why I didn’t rematch. GG’s by the way.

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No problem bro ggs. I wanted to ask if something was wrong because I noticed quite a few people were one and done ing me. Part of it is CFN being retarded

And then I just beat Art’s Falke 2-0 lol. He plays really strange. His game plan was nothing like yours. At first he kept dashing in on me and it was working because I wasn’t looking for it. Once I started punishing it he stopped but he still didn’t try to play that wall like you or most Falke’s I’ve ran into would.

And for some reason he didn’t seem to want to use her DP that much. Almost like he’s still not confident enough to do it on reaction, but who knows. Another thing, at first I thought it was you and was confused as hell as to why you were playing like that.

I’ve been dealing with lower skilled crazies for years. I just don’t think Falke is great for 2 0ing haphazard players (at least not combined with my slow playstyle ). Even other GM Falkes have to drop games to Diamond Bipson almost guaranteed, but they just continue to play through it.

If I’m playing Ibuki 2 0 ing the lower ranks is much easier because she’s momentum driven. You just tear off their health bar once they make a footsie or jump mistake and win 2 0. Falke requires a ton more papercut based gameplay that’s just not conducive for consistently 2 0ing especially since she doesn’t have a cheapo v trigger. I’ll 2 1 any Diamond which = tournament win but in ranked that = you lose.

Casual match I also use to allow me to work on 2 0ing them, so I technically do practice it. Just don’t bet it in ranked.

Honestly my ranked decision only goes on one factor - is it playable.

I can imagine if your target was to gain Ranks then there’s some smarter decisions to be made. For me though even if I lose to a scrub, I’m not happy with that, I need to rectify it even if it means going two zip.


Well, I do hope that when I get to diamond scrub, all those ultra diamonds around here don’t just one and done me.
I kinda need those points!

But for now, let’s stick to a more realistic goal for someone who is just bad at SFV like me.
Super Platinum isn’t too far away. I should be able to get it by next weekend if I dedicate proper time and energy to it.


A Cho is SFV AE.


I will do that sometimes, if I am playing against someone who has more points than me and I win the 1st laggy game.
I will play the 2nd game so that they can get some of their points back, but I won’t play the 3rd one.
If they have less points than me, I will usually leave after the 1st laggy game (win or loose, does not matter).

Lately, I started gging streamers after the game. Sometimes, I will ask if it was laggy for them, and 90% of the time they say that it was not.
Not sure why lag always ends up on my side and not on the Franch/Uk people. Conspiracy theory inbound.
Most of the streamers are really nice people. There are some that are not though and those will hold the grudge for weeks.


New DBFZ patch turns DBFZ into almost a new game.

Man I just know papa capcom is gonna have a direct answer for it!!! :slight_smile:

When DBFZ matches finally stop being a snore fest due to scaling changes, they call it a bug and say they will fix it. :frowning:

We need something to replace this mess. Revive Marvel or something.

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Power Rangers is supposed to be the new crack or something lol.

Still at 28.5K, but made a Diamond Ken drop right as I was going to 2 0 them. I CC’d them after a yolo DP got blocked and then dropped the combo on purpose to give them another chance. They said they didn’t want another chance and dropped out. That’s better than any points.

a cho finally running Type Arcade. I’ll be watching.


As much as I want to punch things whenever I play SFV ranked and one-and-doners, it’s not the complete pile of trash Tekken 7 ranked is nowadays. Whoever thought that system was a good idea needs to get punched.

Speaking of T7, I’ll be posting the stream link for the tournament later tonight.

How often can you rematch in T7 ranked? I remember hearing how it worked when it came out, but forgot now or if it’s changed.