SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Here recently I’ve just about lost all motivation to play.
It’s gonna take mad points to even get super plat and I’m lazy lol. I wanna play somebody else but I just find myself aimlessly staring at the character select. Tried out blanka and sagat today. I’m sure either is better than the ole Bonita bombshell lol. Gat seems a little boring and blanka well idk shit about him besides seeing Wolfgang or nishikin videos.

Do yourself a favor and
A: Stick with Bonita
B: Try fucking everyone. Even the ones you don’t think you’ll like

Unless you gotta buy them and you are like 99% sure they aren’t for you.


Trust me, you winning or losing ATM is more about your decision making and matchup knowledge than who you using. Sagat and Blanka are rather different characters archetype wise (especially Sagat, good luck with that).

Does sound like you just casually want to start playing new characters which is fine, but take your time and find a way to learn from your mistakes and get better with Laura.

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Now you got me thinking about this song…

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That better be Still Tippin


I still call my best friend Paul Wall because of that song lol

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That’s the point though. So that beating a top player in a one off match means something.

If you make rank FT2 it changes the entire playing field.

Yeah you actually have to be better to win points lol

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I definitely still have room to grow with her I’m still using the most basic ass setups and shit. Damn is sagat that bad off? If he is I wouldn’t be surprised, once I get in on him it’s usually a wrap. Plus his buttons don’t seem all that great. Guess I’ll keep messing around till I find somebody as a side character and try to get better with Laura.

I get what youre saying, but online is a casual mode. You’d alienate poorer players and make stronger players even harder to beat.

I actually think the points spread makes sense, even though the mode itself sucks balls.

But there is Battle Lounge and a mode literally called Casual Match for them.

That’s why I’ve gotten to the point where I one and done all Diamonds. Not hate, but it’s just not realistic to play 2/3 games vs Diamonds who are just good enough to take a game from you on a good day unless you’re like already clear above their skill level with your character.

I can consistently win the first game vs most Diamonds, but that second game is usually the game they play more controlled yolo and know what I’m doing and I drop a game to them. Falke is just not scummy enough to just get 3 or 4 reads and kill them off 2 games in a row as easily as Ibuki can.

Even when I was playing Ibuki in casuals again yesterday it was mad easy to just 2 0 people without much a hitch because you get so much reward once you make the train start running. Falke is a lot more papercut gameplay unless you land a s.HP, df+HK or a jump in. Meaning you can definitely take a 2/3 even if you trade a game, but consistently 2 0ing Diamond HAM ass characters like Laura, Rog and Rashid with Falke is still beyond me ATM unfortunately.

Nice thing I’ve noticed though is that I’ve been doing a pretty good job 2 0ing the Super Diamond and higher ranks. Even had a few 2 0s vs GMs which get you hella points. Better to just filter and get more consistent vs the better players. I did bite the bullet one time I still 2 0d a Diamond Boxer so I’ll take that.

I also play the whole set vs any Diamonds who play free matchups for Falke. If you’re a Diamond Sagat I know I’m getting that 2 0 LOL. I can win the set vs AutoMattock and Densetsu so you already dead. Even though Diamond Cammys can play yolo, the neutral is fucked for Diamond Cammys so it’s pretty free.


You don’t get your 20 pence back if you lose in the arcade son, back of the line.

Younglings these days…pffft.

We aren’t talking about the arcade though we are talking about ranked mode artificially boosting poor players.

Look I need more of those high pointed scrubs with bad footsies to rank up. Bless them and the shenanigans they did to get to where they’re at.


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You’re getting confused because they made it FT2 ( because of the shitty servers).

Traditional ranked mode is one game , mano el Mano.

Just like the arcade. You don’t have to rematch, you can be a pussy like Jin.


I’ve been beating up on this “Master” ranked Blanka named MiracleMan. Like most Blankas he doesn’t ever use any of Blanka’s buttons. Just slides and balls so it’s easy to just out neutral and outpace him. He’s back down to Ultra Diamond now and I got another 2 0 on him to slow him down again lol.

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lol yeah, I punked somebody named MissShoryu. First set was 2-1, second set said person got 2-0ed.

Pretty sure they mad.

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That just means “traditional” ranked mode is ass too. If the goal is to have the better player climbing the matches should be mandatory FT2 since the results would be statistically more in favor of the better player. The current system just enables people to easily take points from people better than them.

If you want to argue “but the arcades” sure that’s fine but I think replicating that experience in ranked is dumb when you have two other modes that can already provide that experience. Especially since in Lounges you literally wait in line to play again.

The current system basically makes the rich richer and those trying to get better have it rougher. If you’re already gdlk you’ll just run through the Diamonds and Platinums 2 0. If not, you’re going to be trading games that kill your points and go through the grind forever unless you blacklist filter or one and done.

If you somehow just find a way to streak and rek everyone 2 0 for a while then that can sharpen your consistency, but it’s just not realistic unless you already regularly win your locals and place top 32 to 64 at 300 plus man CPT events.