SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super


Ed is just Bison suit for church on Sunday.


Man, that blonde beard looks like it’s glued with poxipol

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You’ll see.

You’ll all see…

How come smash is closing out ncr? Is this a known smash main event?

Come on, cut Ed some slack a bit. He did save Falke…


Ed and Falke will make a nice pair of NPCs in a SF6 stage I guess.


Falke needs to be back on SF6. :frowning:
Or Rose so I can have big, slow buttons. :drooling_face:

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Yeah it’s probably one of the best buttons. Having a cancellable cr.mk is huge, was also one of the reasons I gravitated toward Necalli initially even if his is slow as hell.

Same reason why I picked Shirase in the FEXL beta. She has a long range cr.mk that cancels into a safe rekka. Once I found that out I was like damn, this is my character. A year later checked the tier list for the game and yep she’s top three.

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we all know what this means…

Is he back guys? I just skipped over everything lol

Just tell me which mall or school and the time so I know not to be there.

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Bea uses an actual piledriver to hit her buttons

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He was lurking many hrs ago, so there’s that.

I just need him to post and downplay Bison to be 100% at ease.


It is worse than I expected…
I just checked and it turns I also cracked the lower plexiglass around the buttons, that is 0.5 cm thick. :sob:

I think it’s about time to get the porno stick.

But that is out of stock right now too. :frowning:

Something about Sherry is kinda hot to me lately. She seems to have grown into her own skin. :open_hands:t5:

Really? Damn, should have figured any way. They probably gave quite a few out to sponsors on top of the pre orders.

They are producing more, but it will be a while till they have them.
Might buy some 3 or 4 extras when they are back in stock.
Meanwhile I will finish breaking this one.

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