SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

When I saw Laura V-Skill dash I’ve immediately thought of Abel step kick, but definitely they aren’t the same thing, that was expected. Again, even if Abel was included instead of Laura probably even some of his moves would have been changed to be adapted on SFV. I don’t remember how plus Laura is after a normal on hit + VS, sure thing I don’t press shit when that happens, I prefer to take the throw. On block it’s a different story.

The only thing Laura has in common with Makoto is the crazy stun/damage once they are in, but the first is a grappler the latter isn’t. They share the command grab treat, but Karakusa is simply the most dangerous command grab in SF history.

Fucking hell.


Now youtube is recommending me this.



I have said before that Abel dropped right into SFV would probably be too good. I’m just sad we had a more solid design replaced with a gimmicky one.

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Laura is basically Abel.


More importantly, nobody cares about Abel.


This seems to be the very opposite of competition. I mean by that definition SF5 should be your favourite game because it’s just guesses.

It’s like saying pffft , Tiger woods is a great golfer just because he learnt how to hit a golf ball.

Absolutely, looking at his success ratio with that gdlk normal nobody is bold enough to contest that shit even being at -4 oB. Knowing how much damage Karin can deliver from that hitconfirm the better thing to do is stay away from her asap. Isn’t that hard to use for a Karin player, but nobody can confirm cr.mk like Punk, that kid is amazing.

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I mean, i’m not hating on Abel at all.

But i wonder what people will prefer in future SF titles. Hmmm…



Yeah no contest. The only new male from SFIV or V that has a shot of returning in 6 is maybe Zeku. As a character he’s done really well. Rashid I’m sure has people that like him, but even he’s iffy.


Both have cooties and Laura is a whore, so I will be happy if neither returns.

I don’t have any particular love for Laura.

But she sells costumes good. So , she will return.

I like Laura’s fireball creating shenanigans with proximity block.

The hair and tits are cool too.

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Ed will be back in SFVI and you will all finally respect him!!!

…and maybe all his combos will work

I’m down for giving newcomers a chance to return but tbh i don’t see ED or Falke returning unless Capcom really wants to integrate the Neo Shadaloo further in the story.

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Ed will definitely be in SF6.

Bison need another body after all.

Lol Neo-Shadaloo more like Bison’s rejects refugees

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So will Bison do scissor kick by pressing 2 x kick and headstomp by doing 2 x punch ?

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Bison’s a bum, Ed will overcome him and prove how good of a person Ed really is

For similar reasons I don’t believe I will play Makoto in V, ain’t gonna happen without a SFV Sagat/Sakura kind of treatment.
@BornWinner knows, as it is Makoto would be a shark inside a pool full of bleeding preys.

Totally random but lmao.

The music makes this perfect.