SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

What a trololl


Ono is a good man. 10/10, would pick him up, lift him over my head and gorilla press him!


Laura is Abel with fireballs and tits.


From a simple reading, Ono resurrected SF. I’ll always wish the best for the crazy fuck.


Speaking of ugh SFV…

I finally won the set vs this Master Bipson that’s a pain in my ass. He’s pretty solid though. Plays reactively and doesn’t gimmick too much. Should have 2 0d the GM Chun I fought earlier, but I didn’t believe in the HAM. Should have went more HAM. Back to 1.5k away from Master. The road is long, but it’s in reach now. Brushed up on some things so I shouldn’t be going down 2,000 points after gaining 3,000 anymore.

I’m going to go eat and then prep the next vote for SFV @ NCR. Just make it a fun one. No characters coming so we’ll just see who’s got good stream monster reads. Maybe a title for getting them all right.


And all is forgotten.

Seems like I have to keep punching people trough the planet, until no one is left.
Wait that would kill the community I play with.

I was about to say this Laura does everything Abel does and more. Even has a modicum of actual personality too.


Hey bro, you’re back. Love you. :heart:

Does Laura have good footsie normals, is she +after a dash in?

Abel is focused on and rewarded for solid neutral and footsies.

Laura is focused on unga-ing around and hoping to incite panic.

They are only superficially similiar

Character wise Abel is boring and Laura is obnoxious and dumb. No winners there.

So like you’re a real life Brazilian Amazon? :anguished:

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New cracks on my stick plexiglass around the buttons. Just how do I do this? :frowning:

Use your fingers not your fists


ftfy :coffee:


Laura is Abel SFV version.

Step kick dash? Laura has her Avante V-Skill.

Abel has a special horizontal move ending with grab+ the possibility to change the opponent side (C.O.D)? Same Laura with Bolt Charge.

Antiair grab (Falling Sky)? Same Laura with HP Bolt Charge.

Command grab because why not (Tornado Throw)? Same Laura.

Overhead special with kicks (wheel kick)? Laura V-Skill Volty Line.

Laura hasn’t Marseille Rolls like Abel didn’t have a fireball, but they’ll able to mindfuck the opponent with left/right mix-ups into a shitload of damage/stun.
Abel had better footsies in a game with better ones overall, but he was able to ride the momentum once he gets in. Laura is more unga in a game where unga Is more rewarded.

I sincerely doubt Abel in SFV would look more like Karin than Laura tbh.

I am using my fingers with the most gentle touches I can muster.
Stuff still breaks. :frowning:

Sometimes plexiglass can break if the screws are too tight to the rest of the stick. Even without gorilla like buttons pressing, better don’t tighten the screws/nuts too much. Even when the Plexi itself isn’t really perfect it’s stretch a little without noticing and staying over stress tend the plexiglass to crack after a bit. I had the same problem on some of my sticks before and I’m not a gorilla.

I’m not sure if I’m scared or more impressed by that.

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I agree on this point. Laura is definitly the SFV version of Abel… unfortunately, as you said, that involves making a shittier character.

I think you are underselling the difference between step kick and VSkill.

Step kick is a good button, that on hit gives you a full combo, and on block leaves you +1 and point blank. Because of how strong it is, it means that Abel’s best option is to focus on it.

VSkill is really only for catching people off guard (which can work no question). Laura doesn’t have a normal of that quality to work with, and she doesn’t get real pressure after the VSkill.

So while the two things look the same, I think the application is really different. Enough so that the playstyle is also different.

Once they are in it’s just mixup/vortex city. That is the same. I actually think laura is closer to a shitty version of Makoto than a shitty Abel. The core playstyle is based around explosive advances to catch unaware opponents.

Obviously this is not an exact comparison.


That’s why I would never hate Ono, it must be always the higher ups other priorities.

Rose, Honda and Makoto. Is probably coming.

Pretty much. When it becomes easy that means you ain’t thinking about it anymore. I’ve got marvel/skullgirls combos that other people can’t do, or simply don’t do, that outright kill, that are very hard. But because I practiced the hell out of them, they became easy to me, an after thought. That doesn’t mean I never dropped one. Same as punk still drops the confirm or misconfirms once in a blue moon, but it’s about as autopilot as it gets. But autopilot isn’t necessarily a bad thing either, it puts up a skillgate that must be passed in order to beat someone. I’ve never been I’d the opinion tha because something is mechanically hard, that it takes brains to use… that’s asinine. It’s like saying a world class 100 meter sprinter needs to have a PhD or 150 IQ…

Going on about punk and Karin specifically… why are his results so much better for Karin versus chun and Cammy? He uses these characters all basically the same way.

The reason is because Karin has the highest damage cr.mk confirm in the game for a fast nimble character with a safeish cr.mk confirm.

Then you also combine her getting full punishes on wiffed moves with her st.hp cancel and toss in a bit of her really nice, almost cammy level pressure, and then toss in her ability to make fireballs almost a non factor.

But even with all that, the PRIMARY thing for her is the cr.mk confirm. Not only does she get great damage from it, she also gets a subsequent mixup off of it, if she wants to.

Punk absolutely autopilots that shit. I see him do that move 4-5 times in a row on block sometimes. Dude is just sticking that shit out hoping it hits half the time. The other half the time he’s thinking about how to use it but tbh, when you can confirm it as well as he can, there’s almost never a time NOT to use it.

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