SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

There’s something about Menat able to awaken my Makoto instinct. I don’t want to win against her, I want to destroy/obliterate her painfully as possible, dunno why. The feeling of them fighting for their survival makes me salivate.

Amen to that.


Been rewatching Legend of Korra recently. Season one and two were a slog, but season 3 is just making me remember why I loved the show all over again. Can’t believe it’s been seven years already.


Teiga is interesting. I’ve talked with him in Twitch chat before and his only reasoning for how bad Kage is is basically that he’s not Akuma and you can take throws from him.

This is definitely the season that Akuma will have it rough vs Gief, so he’ll find that out soon.

As for Falke vs Akuma, I can’t imagine he fights against that many Falkes. I give Killakam a hard time and he’s the number 1 US Akuma. He is somewhat right in that Akuma does better if you play Akuma really grounded/unconventionally, but he still gets outclassed on the ground pretty hard outside of guess parries and has to jump eventually. If the match is played right Falke won’t need to jump much at all, but he will have to. She has a DP and a super that is 4 frame start up and covers most of the relevant range Akuma can attack or jump from in those 4 frames. Defensively she is more of an issue to keep pressuring than Sim for sure.

The whiff punish thing is also stupid. A Falke that knows what they’re doing doesn’t have anything for Akuma to really whiff punish. Only thing you can hope for like most Akumas is that you guess right and jump over her buttons. Whiff punishing them with grounded stuff leads to less damage and is harder to do. Her s.HP and f+HP reach so far that there really isn’t any way to make them whiff without jumping.

I’ve seen Smug and KBrad countless times practice whiff punishing Falke’s s.HP and f+HP in training mode. When they go back to fighting other Falkes or myself in matches, they just say screw it and continue to either try to jump over the buttons (more reward and easier than a whiff punish) or save up super so they can block punish f+HP.


S1 starts strong and ends weak
S2 is pretty weak
S3 is the GOAT
S4 is great but suffers for coming after the best season and it itself goes off the rails a bit towards the end.

Amazing show though.

All hail the Great Uniter


Fucking exactly! I’m not here to play patty cake with you bitch, get this work! Get the same feeling against guile.


The internet is weird.

Pretty much how I remember the show. I actually had some of my earliest memories of this site because of it. Used to lurk the thread for it and look at the reactions. The pages of during season 1’s finale were incredible. While it does have some problems, I do appreciate it for coming when cartoons were at their weakest.

I want Kuvira to destroy me.

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I was firmly Team Kuvira when she bodied Korra 1v1 in front of her army.

Zaheer best bad boy


Swear to god I thought this was a breakdown of SF5 seasons so far. Kind of hilarious how well it applies as a hot take of SF5 so far.


also Borderlands 3. SF5 is doneso. :pray:

P.S. I don’t have a high end PC, SF5 is not done so since I won’t be able to master race the game. :sob:


Yes. Once that is out I won’t have two shits to give for any of this games nonsense.

Buff Buddha girl for life.

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You aren’t wrong.

Zaheer is fucking amazing i can’t add anything that hasn’t been said 100 times.

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No Ono in NorCal, no news.
It is settled.


At least Blanka was mentioned. Makes it easier to just enjoy the competition and not get randomed out by Hondas and Makotos in ranked.

Hopefully Ono’s health is in better standing. Can’t reveal if you don’t have your health.



This sounds as if there’s no current content in the works and any future development isn’t even decided yet. If true, we’re not getting anything until winter at least.

Kinda disappointed: all those people that hate to watch the awesome hype matches and stay in tune just for the announcements won’t be able to get Rashidoed.

EDIT: Ninja’d.

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If anything, we will get to enjoy NorCal exclusively for the matches, without any suspense of what may or may not be announced. :slight_smile:


Korra Season 1 was a really good opening season. The ending in particular was really memorable IMO.

I don’t like Season 2, at all. It’s the reason why I haven’t rewatched the show yet, though S3 and S4 totally make up for it.

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They should be more like me and just apologize for wasting your time
