SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Mmmmm I love tarrots.

It’s gonna be this ,but with Rose.


I’d be fine with this.

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Spike = FGC community asking / hoping / yelling / cursing at Capcom to give us content.
Tom = Capcom

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That’s where I’m at. No point in even setting myself up for potential disappointment anymore. I’ll still play the game whether there are announcements or not, so it’s whatever to me.


I thought I was the only one who felt this way… jumping on him is a sure way to get CC’d by that normal 90% of the time

Don’t change goal posts, you aren’t good at it. Movement means nothing in regards to a character getting wiff punished… and I’ll write this in caps so that it really sinks in:


I win again, as always. Though ofc one can just ignore that. This is the internet after all.

Inb4 you tell me what you meant to say, was that rashids movement means he can space better and not wiff his shit. But rashid wiffs his shit all the time and very rarely gets punished for it. Don’t pull the wiff rabbit out of the hat, even at high level it’s more of a “wish punish” than a true wiff punish. If I knew you were looking for a wiff there’s about 9 different things I can do to make you not want to do that anymore.

Outside of punks Karin and MAYBE a cool wish punish here and there, the tactic isn’t seen that often in neutral at high level or mid level.


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Exactly. That’s why Sagat will eventually get stand button or crouch button whiff punished for running s.HK too much. Especially vs characters that have longer buttons. Shorter button characters will play more the walk in and low profile, but yeah.

Also as long as Highland agrees I win.

Also I appreciate you agreeing with my busted buttons list. Thank you.

It’s a great example of a season patch.

Every character got buffs, every character got new tool/toys, there are some radical changes to some characters. It really feels like a new season, and at the moment I have no idea what things will look like in a month (I have some guesses though).

Meanwhile, Capcom buffed Rashid again.

He hasn’t been winning lately so I will settle with Capcom’s decision.

Yeah, same thing happens with Old Zeku:

If they jump in and you start to dp them, most players will naturally start to time their button later to try and “beat” the dp. This of course pretty much never works outside of s2 when dp were nerfed to stupidity. But nevertheless, players will still try to hit dps late, in general.

What this means is that if the player DOESNT dp, but instead does an AA that CC’s…, they will actually CC the jumpin. This works with ken, OZ, and sagat.

BUT!!! Let’s say you tend to AA with your normal instead of DP. What happens then? Well in that case, most players will actually start to press their button EARLY to try and beat the AA normal. In THAT case, the AA normal won’t CC, because the jump normal was done ear,y and is out of its startup frames by the time the AA hit.

Interesting sf5 “depth” I guess but it’s all abit boring to me and encompasses what passes for “mindgames” in sf5. Jump and use this button… then. Next time jump and use THAT button… oooh I’m mixing fools up now!!! Baby’s first mixup yo.

You said Karin’s cr.mk was cheap though right? If it was cheap, Ultra plat Karin’s wouldnt be doing full screen flips and wake dps to scrub out wins.

Have faith.
BTW if you could only have one between Sieger and Wan Fu,who would you chose?

If Karin’s c.MK was the cheapest button in the game she would beat Birdie and gief.

It is the cheapest c.MK in the game though.

Sometimes cheap is easy sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it takes skill to learn and sometimes it doesn’t.

Once learned though… yeah.

Ultra plat Karin’s can’t confiem the damn thing that well from what I remember so not very cheap in their hands.

But that’s kinda like saying sent or mvc2 IM ain’t cheap just because it takes some skill to use them at their most broken potential.

I’ve played some games at a high enough level where the players master the hard to do cheap shit, and at that point the hardness of it matters little. The on,y time that really matters is in the beginning of games or when the challenge is in decision making or reactions.

Why? Because of the damage potential? Because without the JFT cancel is a fairly average cMK.

JFT is the real killer.

Hit box wise it’s probably not the cheapest c.MK button in the game. By hit box/plus data Kolin’s c.MK is easily one of the cheapest, but when you count the conversion potential and ability to stop people from walking backwards it’s unmatched.

The stuff just mentioned easily makes Karin’s c.MK the cheapest c.MK in the game. Most other characters need VTC to do what she can do with her c.MK naturally.

Only character that matters to be in Samsho is Iroha to boost the fanart


The buttons I feel are dumb are usually lk/lp buttons with the exception of larua’s st mk and akuma cr HP even nerfed st mk seems dumb.

oh and cammy’s st mk is pretty fraudulent too