SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Give Laura her mk back and I heard she had broken stuff in the beta give that back too :triumph:.

Laura mixes you up still with beauty, just sayin!


Yeah. Might be a season 2 laura situation where japan doesnt run into Falke often. She can bop a lot of the people above her in that tier list.

Hmm…this is probably where wr should figute out a way to do weighted tier lists. Characters should go up and down based in match up importance. Like beating an A tier character is more important than a bad match up against a B or C one.


I love how japan just doesn’t care about boxer, and never has.

Back during his golden days of VT and TAP, Bonchan once ranted on an interview that he was retarded. Must have been key in his nerfs.

It’s sad when low keys like Bison and Kolin surpass once glorious Urien and Menat. Please undo the nerfs and then add some buffs.

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Boxer has a lot of problematic matchups S4. He’s been nerfed significantly compared to S2. Makes sense why they rate him so low. Of the top tiers he only does well against guile, menat and ibuki. He struggles against Cammy, Karin, birdie, gief, Mika, rashid. Doesn’t like the abi matchup and even though Laura is trash she can roll boxer if he ain’t on his shit.

Running boxer in tourney is mad risky without counterpicking or getting lucky brackets.

Which goes to show you this tier list is basically “who’s viable for capcom cup tier list.”

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Wouldn’t guile also be a bad mu for him since Laura can use claps to fuck boxer up. I’d imagine guile could Sonic boom him to death. Or maybe my understanding of the mu is wrong.

Sonic Booms travel more so Boxer can space V-skill punch through them, even if he doesn’t land the hit he’s relatively safe and avoids the boom

If Laura blocks a V-skill punch and the clap is still there it can potentially hit Balrog still. But even without using V-skill I’m pretty sure he can force trades or just easily walk up and stuff her out of it, among other things.

Which means my playable/ okayish / loltrash list is the best.


Nah guile can’t throw booms for free. Even knuckledu switches to Mika against boxer.

Boxer has to respect Laura’s plasma. Sweep trades, dash low can trade and pressing buttons against claps can give her a follow up. Can’t v-skill clap. Thats RIP right there.

No reversal against Laura is scary shit for boxer if she gets in and pops trigger.

Yeah they only have like 2 real Boxer players that come off the top of my head lately (Vanao and Gafro). I know Gafro is at NCR and in the same bracket as Smug.

That’s one thing I like about the Laura MU she can never throw raw claps out against Vega he slides that shit for free. He can pop VT1 to punish from like full screen lol.

He can slide Sagat’s high shots too, which is fun times.

Boxer has always beaten Guile since S2. He was the the dark horse to Guile’s dominance. Some of Daigo’s biggest tournament struggles have been against Rog.

I remember way back in S2 fighting a Balrog with the CFN “FukkxGuile” or something along those lines. I was like, “Doesn’t Rog body Guile?” :thinking:


Rog players are savages.

They have a dojo called BuffBalrogHeSux. They’re almost as bad as Vega players. To give them credit though, everyone except me hated S2 Guile.


I have a question about frame data that is probably pointless but I’m still curious.

Do attacks go straight to recovery after an active frame hits?

For example lets say a move has:
5f startup
3f active
10f recovery

So i attack and hit on the first active frame. What happens to the other two active frames? Does the engine just skip to the 10 recovery frames or does it add the unused active frames to the recovery?

You know what’s funny? As annoying as Guile was for me in S2/S3, I never actually hated the match-up. It always reminded me of classic SF. You had to be on point with your approach–especially with a very patient Guile that had no problem waiting out the entire match.

I liked finding a way through the wall, though I didn’t always have success. It made me choose my approaches carefully. When I saw that V-Skill wasn’t effective (ie Guile would CC me when I tried to get through the SB), I had to change it up. Things like that are the fun parts of the game.


Alright thanks for clearing that up for me everybody.

And @vhozite fuck Vega and that damn slide lol.
Vega’s be waiting for me to throw that out so they can fuck my shit up.

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I don’t feel like turning on the game Will fuck!