SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I’ve been whoring the stage online since it launched. It seems fine to me. Actually seems to create a bit less lag than some other the other wild stages funny enough. If their connection is garbage or its cross platform can still blow up though.

Not sure what you’re asking by see the corners.

New stage has been fine for me.

The way they’ve done the grass it kind of “ascends” towards the sides so I never had any issues identifying the corners.


The Norwegian national broadcast group contacted us, apparently they will be at the tournament we’re holding this week.

How the fuck did that happen


I’ve had 0 issues with this stage. It’s perfectly fine.


excuse me you’re gonna have to run me by that one more time

In the trailer it looked like a plain, endless field so I wasn’t sure what they’d implement so players could clearly see when they’ve reached the corner (outside of the lack of camera movement).

That’s actually a good idea. I might play a bit today to see it in action, I presume lots of people bought it.

Decided to play around with some grapplers (Mika, Gief and Alex) for a bit last night online. I can’t lie, that shit was pretty fun. I was mostly getting bodied, but there’s nothing wrong being out of your element every now and then.

In Alpha 2 it’s kinda similar. Camera pans slightly and otherwise you just “hit” the corner. No real visual cue otherwise.

I don’t think that’s really a “problem”. In SFIV all fireballs (LP MP HP) connect after max range c.MK which is not a thing in older SFs. That’s just a SFIV thing.

In older SFs c.MK to LP or MP fireball has no shot at connecting at max range. HP fireball does the best job connecting from far range, but max range still whiffs.

In SFIV it’s something they chose to do with Ryu and I guess other shotos, but not really a true to SF thing. They could keep the c.MK fireball thing the way it is really and just give him other stuff or just full yolo out his VT1.


Yeah, that was my reaction too.

Apparently they want to do a thing on the fact that we’re gathering a bunch of nerds to see who’s the best at a video game.

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don’t bring any Smashers


We kicked them out of the venue to play Tekken, no worries.


Ryus solid mid tier imo. Since I picked up ed fighting him has been tough, I searched around for advice and funnily enough the discord agrees that ed loses to ryu. Though if I was using balrog I’d probably be singing a different tune.
A strong fireball game, 16 frame far reaching dash, a strong normal jumpin hitbox, alongside big damage from jumpins/solar plexus strike alone makes him strong.

He’s definitely not a complete pushover anymore. You have to actually take the player using the character somewhat seriously to beat him now.

Ed loses to Ryu but Ryu struggles or feels underwhelming for the large majority.

I don’t think he loses to Akuma. What do you think?

His cr.mk was also bigger in SF2 though. Games aside ( which is kinda silly), if you don’t have a good low conversion in footsies, it’s pretty hard to stop people from just walking back.

I mean I always see people complain about unga Ryu players, what you want them to do, play footsies with stubby buttons and no CC options… He’s got good jump ins and a good dash. Might as well use it.

He should be able to fight Akuma really. Akuma doesn’t really outrange him and that’s mainly the bad matchup stuff Ryu has. Characters that outrange him or beat him at the range game. He’s good at neutrally bullying shorter ranged characters, just gets forced to switch up to a less reliable gameplan once he fights someone who outranges him.

Walkspeed and low conversion will probably define that match. Their fireballs are near identical.

Akuma wins ground.

Oh, Ed. Right. No clue.

Just a friendly reminder, Ryu is not good enough but if he touches you, you bleed son.

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If ryu had a good trigger he would be a problem.

Changes I’d make to him

MP dp is fully air invincible from frame 1
st lp down to a 4 frame start up
Minds eye starts up in 2 frames and is 24 frames of recovery
VT1 specials no longer drain the meter upon use and it’s up to 3 bars

VT2 has a one frame start up and one more active frame