SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I am using a Qanba Obsidian, before I was using mi Atrox 360.
I prefer the obsidian.


I feel like Sak should be farther left since she is saving herself for Ryu who only cares about these gainz.

Yeah she’s a workout freak.

@Evil_Canadian these movie dark/Asian warrior/movie inspired redesigns are awesome


All are great except Stryker. Not much you can do with that design. At least he doesn’t look like a crossing guard.


I honestly think people are underestimating Season 4 Ryu. The new fireballs work way better than they have in the lifespan of the game and comboing into joudan from cr.forward and other buttons easier is a big change to the character.

Ryu gonna catch a lot of people with their pants down this season. Maybe not at the CPT, but I bet we hear a complaint or three about the character.


Only thing holding him back is weak VT’s imo


Ryu is still just a worse Akuma, poor neutral coverage with buttons. But a retarded EX.Hado and a decent dash.

I don’t think he’s in a spot to do damage attributed by his normal arsenal and VTs.

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I had a Super Diamond Ryu player challenge me to a battle lounge set after we did a ranked set… EX hado is definitely the only thing that felt cbeap. Otherwise its just him pretending to play neutral game then trying to jump over my neutral FTW.

Sadly the GM Ryus like Jukacka pretty much play the same way and hope they win. Shaquilleson didnt play HAM enough so im sure thats why he got fed up fast.

EX Hado is good though. Basically theres a good range where if you sneeze while hes doing it youre getting hit and getting dash okid towards the corner. It can VTC on contact from such a far range and instant speed that it might as well be a pseudo whiff VTC

He is markedly better but still not strong. He needs a real V-Trigger. VT1 should have a longer duration.

Ryu would be fine if they gave his buttons back. Unnerf st. Lk, st. Mp +2 on block, etc.

Doesn’t need a better trigger.

You need a good VT if your base form is underwhelming. Ryu is underwhelming the character.

Ryu is designed to be the counter the cheap stuff shoto. That unfortunately will keep him lower tier but that’s what hes supposed to be. His second trigger is just a super version of his read based v skill any way

As long stuff like max range cr.mk xx fireball doesnt even connect on hit, the game will remain in the - you dont know what you are doing balance department.


I feel like if his buttons weren’t shit and cr. Mk fireball worked at max range like Kage, Ryu wouldn’t need a super strong trigger and could afford to blow v-reversals.

Like S1 Ryu minus invincible srks and current fireball could put in work S4.

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I still don’t fully understand what prevents this.

In many patches in SF4/5 Capcom keeps moving close to this but not all the way.

Meanwhile on other characters it’s no problem.

4.5 is soon.

Ryu is already halfway there in 4.0 .

Son Ryu just needs that extra bit to make him go crazon y’all.

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His cr.mk hitstun is really low. Makes connecting fireballs harder, I think IV increased the hitstun in one of the patches.

Ryu’s frame data is kinda a train wreck. How is the main shoto sweep 8 frames but guiles is 7? I feel like he should be able to sweep after st. Mp or cr. Mp on normal hit. Cr. Mp is +4 on hit? Also he has nothing that puts him at +3 on block. Yeesh Capcom, buff your mans.

Anyone played on the new stage yet? Is it possible to actually see the corners or not?