SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I was. EX Orochi having more startup than EX Tenko pissed me off. Cammy kinda has everything I like about Karin except the looks too.

Game release is a good time to get a jump on folk. Especially if you play a shoto esk type character. I think I was top 10 in Oceana in SF5 at the start and in the top 1000 in the first few months.

Then I realised ranked was a hot steaming pile of shit.

I’m looking forward to Sam Sho, there’s always guys that “get it” that were bad before or the opposite.

New games are good to reset the mind.

You going to reset the mind with Neutral Kombat 11 first? Evil Canadian will come in to remind you

Alot of Karin’s combos piss me off.

Instead I have just been focusing on some slightly sub-optimal stuff.

EX Orochi>HK Can Can

Tenko>LK Can Can> EX Tenko

Means i don’t die as hard for messing up execution stuff. I still basically have no Karin experience though. I’ve only really used her in 3 real sessions? If you recall @Highlandfireball comments about me backing up alot? That is pretty well the tell tale symptom of character unfamiliarity.

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I love that shit. I can’t remember if she can get better non-JFT followups for it.

Also, fuck Discourse telling me to reply to different people. I have freedom of speech, don’t make me sic bald eagles at you.

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Mmm , I dunno , the game looks really well done , but it doesn’t seem like the type of game I can take on full time.

I’m 100% buying Sam if the online is good. It’ll hindge on that. If the online is shit, I might buy MK even for the shock single player content.

What’s the release dates on this pair?

MK is set for April 23rd so just a bit less than a month away.

SamSho is sometime TBD in June.

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Talking about sfxt anti airs but no mention of the god button that is known as Christie’s cr.hp :drooling_face:

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If there was something likable in SFXT what was that seems decent to return for future SF titles?

What are people rocking these days as far as sticks go? Might need a new one soon.

Anyone tried the Razor Panthera

More juggle states.

I’m still rocking a TE2. I love the TE sticks. Too bad Madcatz is done.


Yes, definitely make jumping more of a risk. Getting big damage off of anti airs would be amazing for a future sf game :grin:


Oh yeah…the 360 pad I use is still a Madcatz one. Had it for almost 6 years now and it’s still going strong.

Dunno what to go with once that finally gives out.

Go full stick porn and get the Victrix

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I used that before I nutted up and bought a stick.

hat MadCatz Fightpad was a fantastic piece of kit. When it dies, you could pick up a USB saturn controller? The fightpad is modeled after the saturn.

No, not a fightpad.

This is what I have. Fightpads don’t have analog sticks, which is what I use when playing 2D fighters. (Or at least, the ones that have d-pad and analog don’t have said analog stick in the position I prefer it).

More that, I’ve tried other 360 pads but they’d wear out far too easily (the RB button in particular breaks quite quickly I’ve noticed). So quality-wise not sure where to go after this one goes.

Hori RAP 4 Kai which I got mainly for price point and the ease of getting it quickly through Amazon.

Would love for my next stick to be custom though in some kind of nicely stained wood.

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That looks awful…

Still my comment about a USB saturn pad stands. They should be cheaper too.

XBO and PS4 controllers have good DPads, but they are pricy. I actually like the PS3 Dpad better than both if that’s an option.

Hmph. It works perfectly for me.

I don’t use the D-pad. I use the analog stick.

So fightpads don’t work for me, and I wouldn’t pick a new controller based on the D-pad. Just how long it lasts.

I don’t even know how to process that revelation…
