SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Excuses smh

Good. Now all that’s left is if the stage is laggy.

It most likely will be but thats why Birdie players will love it

not only will it induce frame lag but your inputs will be a solid 1/3f slower. Prime CPT stage.

I would take more excuses than that to explain away some of my beatings.

I could take up Alex. Get that low tier OS Going too.

Will new stage be banned?
I don’t like what they did with it. I prefer the old one as the grass is longer and there is lightning in the background.
Couldn’t they just make two versions of all banned stages - regular and tournament one?

The new stage doesn’t have the thunderstorm ?

So a question for you guys, I have noticed that when doing combos with either Akuma or Ryu I tend to mash buttons instead of confirming them, for example, with Akuma the combo that goes cr.hp~st.mk.~lk.hurricane kick I tend to mash the light kick after the st.mk instead of just pressing lk once to do the hurricane kick. So instead of doing the lk hurricane by pressing the button once I press it like 3 times, and weirdly I’m more consistent doing that combo doing it this way. Or for ryus lp~lk~dp for example instead of waiting a micro second to press the lk after the jab I just mash lp twice then press light kick, then dp, and again I find this more consistent to land, just curious if anyone else does this?

They could give us Honda

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the backdrop is terrible, it annoys me.

Like smash brothers?


Samsho is nearing… KoFXV is in the works… Capcom releases grass for the sheeps.
I know people are all hoping for SF6, but honestly I want Vampire Savior

old school players double/triple tap buttons during combos.

It’s completely normal don’t worry, as long as it comes out you’re doin it fine


If it works consistently, who cares?

All that matters is you get the cancel when you want.

Edit: what frost said ^


Garuda is life. First time I’ve used a top tier character without shame, he was beyond busted. Probably EX+A had my favorite version of M.Bison ever, his Psycho Cannon was a gdlk super move visually.

^This 100%

I’m still in love with it even now,my fav SF music all time. All my SF pals have a selected EX-plus A ringtone when they call me.

My favs, Stronger (Garuda’s Theme) and Guardian of Light (Ken Theme).


FGD had a really active EX2 thread for years. there’s a dude named ShinjiGohan who would keep the thread alive. Volcano Rosso is gonna show you guys a whole new world of nonsense though.

Also in EX+@ Gief is top tier IIRC.

Each to their own. I feel like I get memed on whenever I enter SFV, to a far greater degree than in T7. Controlling the match and inducing mistakes (which is like 90% of my gameplan) is relatively simple in Tekken, in SFV the things that constitute mistakes in the other games I play are usually good decisions here lol

Outside of Yoshi, Lei and Eddie you’re just trash if you’re getting memed on in Tekken.

Oh and Zafina. Fuck that bitch, fuckkk her.

My favorites are Sakura’s theme C. Jack/Blair theme and Kairi/Hokuto theme


@Twinblades postponing our fights until tomorrow, only got 4 hours of sleep last night and it’s hitting me harder than I expected. Feel like a zombie right now

Gives you more time to fix up that McDonald’s Wi-fi

…and an excuse for me to play more Persona 5

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