SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I know a lot of people who couldn’t stand 4 for the emphasis on setplay from certain moves and slower walkspeeds, I didn’t like those much either. FADC system favoured DPs really heavily too in a game with reversal input leniency and bad blockstring options outside of jabs, which sucked.

Think IV/V have their fair share of issues but yeah, I see why IV isn’t for some people for sure.

Vs game?


I wasn’t a big fan of the setplay, but that wasn’t really my main complaint.

I was kind of in the MOV camp where it just felt like every move had a laundry list of random properties and invul… which in turn made the OS’s a big part of offense. The whole thing just felt obtuse and silly (to me).

Also, don’t like focus as a mechanic on the whole.

I would never say with a straight face that the game is outright bad. But I definitly didn’t like it.

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Been playing it for 2 weeks now on PS4. Netcode’ is OK as long as connection is 2 or greater. Better than SFV at least. The influx of people has made possible to jump and get matches in like a minute or two. The controls are simple but there’s combo tech to learn. Great balance, plenty of different archetypes.

At least on PS4, I highly recommend jumping in now before interest fades and goes back to be a ghost town.

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My favorite SF is 3s (which I haven’t played much of but it’s just gorgeous) then a tie between Zero and ST, though I’d probably give an edge to the Zero series (3 over 2 for me because of cast and modes) because I had the chance to play it far more since it was on PS and the arcades I went to were KoF centric.

Honorable mention goes to SFEX+A that will always be in my heart for all the time I spent on it and all the blisters I got for playing Kairi on the PS1 pad


How amazing would it be to play a sf that looked like this

I’ve heard SFEX2 is secretly a really good game.

Never played any of the EX games myself though.

I button mashed the EX games as a kid they’re really fun to play and absurdly busted

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EX plus alpha also has godtier music which helped.
I think is the only fighting game where if you name a character from it I can tell you the theme.


All I ask is for the new stage not to lag.




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And Falkes low shot to be hidden in the grass


Makes sense. Although Cali is known for Tekken its not quite Tekken Central like ATL is. Thats why it was a shame Final Round was gone for even a year. ATL is Tekken. Them guys been going nuts for Tekken since the dark ages Final Round

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Birdie about to make the Grassy stage his new home after leaving the Kanzuki Beach.


Even beach is kind of honest since at least you have to be in the water to hide shit. Grass is everywhere in Australia

I will say it looks like they did a good enough job making sure the blades of grass were thin enough and low enough to the ground that it shouldn’t be horrible.

Not really, the grass on the foreground is made short.


Fuck that stage I still can’t see ibuki’s kunai on the grid.

Remember when they were huge and had a glowing blue outline?