SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Soon as I heard people complaining about Piccolo snap I was like “man these guys really just wanna kill crack every way possible”.



$40 for the Collectors which comes with the Season Pass.


Alex headbutt was exempt. Admittedly that gets used differently than a standard command throw, but tick headbutt isn’t all that bad when done sparingly.

Laura is scum and Gief would make me cry now if Falke wasn’t in the game so hold the 7 years of recovery, thank you.


Not that I’m against it, but I always found CC’s on DP recovery kind of redundant. You’ll already eat a million damage for missing why do we need more with a flashy effect?

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If people didn’t mash and sit on DP FADC so much in IV, we wouldn’t have to worry about this shit.

Other than that it’s a trait carried over from anime. Take counter hit status/damage if you DP bad.

Yeah i see what you mean. I just think it’s one of things were SFV has become over designed.

DP’s get CC’ed, and take 20% extra damage because CC’s scale combos an extra hit. There is like 3 exceptions to the standard game rules there. All of that is unnecessary on a move that is already -100.

Most people just badwagoned the hellzone trap hate.

It wasn’t that the mixup was too good, it was that it could be looped indefinitely. Executed correctly there was basically no way out, you had to guess right, like 10 times in a row (not sure the exact number).

Most (reasonable) people just wanted it altered so it didn’t go on forever. With the patch we got the meter change (which amusingly now mirrors all other anime games), but we also got the guard cancel change. The second one was what actually hurt the setup.

Regarding CH status on DPs I like it (anime player) even if only because it lets you see/do some CH combos you wouldn’t otherwise. Means that the DP punish isn’t just your same old BnB.

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Giving up counter hit on certain punishes does give it kind of a ‘jackpot’ feeling though. Kind of a cheap hype pump, as long as you aren’t the guy whiffing uppercuts anyway.

I like it overall because it plays into how the game works defensively overall and it makes it so yolo shoto crap is less of a thing. If you wanna DP it’s just like every other SF game. You do it and it hits good. If you get your DP blocked, your reads suck ass take the whole punish.

You get meter pretty quick in the game though and once you get super, super allows you to have your big defensive break (unless you play Claw lol) and not take counter hit state on the block.

Of course, if you get your super blocked you’re pretty fucked anyway. At that point you might as well give up a CH.

This is pretty much my point. I’m not against the CH I just think it’s 100% unnecessary. Nobody is missing huge damage on blocked supers because they lack CH property.

In fact this is another example of the system not playing by its own rules. Reversals are CH property except when you burn your entire bar, but you’ll still eat a fat punish lol.

I dunno CoolKid ran a lot of wake up supers.

Having super is important in general because at high level play people do back off of you once you have super. I’ve let plenty of supers rip on people that put me back in the game with Falke, then the next time in the round I get super they give me space. Very important. Especially since Falke already has an EX DP with huge range. Falke’s super is also a busted 4 frame start up and covers to near the top of the screen so it helps shore the issue of her EX DP being extremely slow start up.

If you’re playing at high enough level of play, you will take that punish from the super ANY DAY over getting your EX DP blocked. Any day.

Yeah, that’s true. I mostly meant though that you’ve dug pretty much the deepest hole you can dig for yourself when you’re getting your super blocked, and piling on even more fucked at that point will hardly make it feel worse.

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I’ve learned Abigail, Alex, Fang, Nash, G and Laura will wakeup super. Should be common sense at this stage of play, lol.

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I’ve learned you can pump wake up super, and eyeball confirm a lot of the big slow meaties.

Depending on character if you already burned your V Trigger, maybe. Otherwise long as you have V Trigger coming up, taking the super punish keeps you relatively steady with a weaker punish than EX DP which could get you stunned/killed with the extra damage boost.

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Well all of those characters have no DP and I think Laura is the only one with a 3f button. Kind of a given…

Yeah those are all characters that can whore up their meter for super since they don’t have EX DPs to check people with any way.

Oh and something I learned about G. Apparently if he makes you block his super at the right spacing, the active frames can hit perfectly where the super is mostly safe on block. Theoretically could allow chip kills in scenarios where the person has a V Reversal.

would it be wrong to think that it would be safe to say command grabs in SF6 will get the DP treatment in SF5 since these moves get those heated complaints more often than DPs in SF4 :thinking:

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