SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

It was only with the talk about Sam Sho the last couple days that i realized that i like how I pretty much get to Sam Sho people in SFV with Falke. Do lots of nothing but swing buttons and do mostly short combos that hurt


Everyone has a favorite SF, but for some the one where they’ve invested time and resources is better than whatever comes after or even before. Sanford will play SFV again just because there’s competition in it, I can’t say the same for SF4. All the widows of that game are just dreaming on everybody dumping V to return dealing with Yun BS or they hope SF6 would be SF4 reloaded. Ok.

Both Chris Schmidt and Shady K loved MVC3.

Justin certainly doesn’t like everything lol. He won’t even touch DBFZ despite it possessing traits from the Vs series.

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I say that’s part of the problem any way since if it is THAT EASY it should be no problem for Namco to implement.

Yeah you CAN get around to start just knowing whats punishable, but Tekken is is pretty galaxy brain in the long run especially since each of those characters will have at least 100 moves and although they may only use 10 or 15 most often, they still have 85 others they can gimmick you with at any time with different datas.

Then on top of that you have to know all of the sidestep L/Rs/tracking, optimal juggles on wall/no wall, okis that vary wildly between characters, JF stuff just to unlock damage/conversions for some characters, King’s throw break crap or get thrown all day and so on.

Rangchu said the reason he picked up Panda was because he was about the only character he could play that didn’t require KBD shit just to move. Just to move in Tekken is something you have to learn and is absolutely CRAZY compared to anything you have to learn in SFV or any other SF. Alpha 3 is convoluted is all hell, but at least you can move just by…moving.

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Oh yeah, all of that is absolutely true. I’m not contesting any of what you’re pointing out here. I’m just saying that when it comes to specifically learning frame knowledge when you’re starting out, I’m taking T7 over SFV in a heartbeat.


I remember ShadyK complaining about Marvel 3 being random, but I imagine he enjoyed it overall. He came up with a lot of Vergil and Dante tech. Yeah I’ve never seen Chris Schmidt openly hate on the game and he seemed to enjoy playing it and MVCI without much issue.

Didn’t even know Wong hated DBFZ. Just noticed he doesn’t really play it. It really should be obvious that the King of Crack only plays real crack.


Sure. There definitely is a streamlined part to the frame data of Tekken, but in the long run in order to not get gimmicked all day you’re going to have to really learn the data just like every other game. Then all of the galaxy brain stuff outside of the frame data. Which is why it’s no surprise that most of the the people who are hard veteran/Tekken mains don’t really play much else.

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Forgot about Shady K. Only problem with him is that it was Skinny Shady K who loved MvC3, not OG Fat MvC2 Shady K. Don’t know if I trust Shady K-Pop with an opinion on MvC3.

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You love MVC2 so much that you’re hating on the healthier, life changing version of Shady K? LOOL

Not at all. I’m just saying that once you have that rush of endorphins from weight loss, the world looks better. Pretty sure he was leveraging his new good looks and new hype to get at the FGC orbiter broads.

Hitting chicks with real life Vergil set ups.

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You so wrong for this one…

I was actually hoping to see more MVC2 vets jump into DBFZ upon release. The only ones that seem to geniunely like the game are Yipes and Matrix. SmoothViper plays it, but he always said he favored MVCI over it. I think he plays it because that’s all that’s poppin (as far as Vs games) right now.

Damn, that got misinterpreted twice. I am not in any way shape or form hading on Shady K for getting his health on track.

Just saying that when you’re health is right, your mind is happier too. Not saying he can’t like the game, but he approached it with a new outlook on life.

I never understood why they are so obsessed with making things homogenized. I can’t see any good argument against Ryu keeping some invincible frames on his strong or fierce DP, while Alex and Gief could’ve been exempt from the command-grabs-get-a-million-frames-of-recovery rule.

Individual changes would’ve made the game much easier to balance too, rather than shuffling the whole deck every time.


They should give SF5 Ryu a cancelable sweep.

Don’t :eyes: me.


Dunno, my personal experience is that the Tekken heads that only play Tekken really haven’t tried anything wlse. Usually because of aesthetic reasons. Or not liking 2D fighters. Keep in mind that this is of course Norway, where Tekken has always been the biggest FG.

Also Discourse is now complaining that we’re replying to each others too many times. :V


Looks like I’m gonna be binge watching whatever Power Rangers stream I can find today.

Btw, dude on a review is already complaining about the online playerbase despite the game literally releasing some hrs ago. Lol.

How the fuck do you compare the “Story” of a budget game to MK?


How much is the PR game?

SamSho looks GORGEOUS, but SNK only just figured out how to make 3D look good.

I am AOK with then having avoided Metal Slug while they were still leveling up.


I remember illitirit used to complain that it was unfair that shotos have to take CCs on DPs, but command grabbers get no CC on their grabs. Guess Capcom listened so command grabs require commitment too.

I always figured because in the ‘flow’ of combat in DBFZ feels more like Blazblue or Persona 4 Arena than Marvel.
In fact, the most “Marvel” tech in the game, the Piccolo snap mixup, is pretty much universally hated which makes me sad.

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