SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Do you play Tekken Highland?

Its definitely a scene that has gone from strength to strength since 7 came out.

The game seems to be universally enjoyed by all the old Tekken players as well as newcomers. I cant think of any old tekken players who talk shit on it.


Whoever made this pool either love Gief or hate him for putting all those Giefs in the same pool of a known G player.
Itabashi will shamelessly pick Abigail against any Gief too. :frowning:

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I know Max can be irritating but theres some good info here.


Really dislike that guy.He is riding the hype train of a certain game then proceeds to hate on it only to return and repeat the process.All that while claiming he is a big fan.

I guess this type of attitude draws in clicks and viewers but to see a grown man act like that is pathetic.

Shut up, you’re learning tonight

Also fix your damn grammar


The general consensus seems to be that T7 is the best Tekken since T5DR. An opinion I share. It’s not perfect, but it’s really fun and rewarding, and the game is very expressive in terms of playstyle and strategy.

The fact that it’d grow the scene also makes sense. Tag 2 was a mess and is largely reviled, T6 was divisive at best, and Tekken Revolution is something nobody remembers even existed. T7 is up there with the best of them in the series, even though the rage mechanics, janky hurtboxes and bloated movelists are still things people might take issue with.

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Lol. I’m sure ChrisCCL is loving that bracket. Very strong young Guile player. Arlieth rocks Claw so he might have a shot of beating at least one.

People should have picked up Falke. I 2 0d one GM Gief that was on like 12 win streak and had another Master Gief one and done me after his like 10 win streak lol


It makes perfect sense to me. I don’t like to compete in games I’m rusty at or no longer practicing.

Skullgirls is one of my favorite fighting games, but I haven’t practiced it in over 4 years. If someone were to want to play some casuals…that’s cool but I’m not trying to enter a tournie. And to that extent, I would probably only play it if I’m winning.

Winning doesn’t matter to me in a game I’m currently practicing, but in a game where my skills have atrophied and yet I know what I’m doing wrong and know that if I were practiced up, I’d beat the opponents strategy. That’s really annoying to deal with and generally not worth it.

I say this speaking directly from experience.


That’s true in part, but he obviously forgot why he expected SFV to be the savior game. I can name a lot of things that SF4 did better than SFV, but I can do viceversa too. We were here few years ago complaining about vortexes, unlockables, setups, knockdowns,Yuns,Elena’s,FADC’s and know all that was good memories? Sanford will forever remembered as the one who destroyed a stick after losing a match he was supposed to win and for being someone who didn’t follow his own advices. He stated SFV is trash countless times already, but he comes back too often. He remembers how much he hate this game after a beating, how’s strange.

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Sanford is just salty.

He would cry about Marvel 3 all day and talk about how women are beating men in it and Marvel 3 is about as expressive as it gets

Highland can barely handle SFVs frame data and you asking him if he plays Tekken? Lool


He looks like Cress William’s the Black Lightning actor kinda sounds like him too.

Tekken is way less frame data heavy than you’d think, since you can generalize the properties of the vast majority of moves. And learning frame data is far less important at low to intermediate level in Tekken than it is in SFV.

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Funny thing is his tune began to change towards the end of MVC3’s cycle.

I even recall him saying that he never truly hated the game. He just hated the “randomness” of it, but still thought it was Marvel regardless. He was always playing it in casuals at Bum’s house or Next Level when it was there.


I’ve yet to find an MvC2 OG that likes MvC3.

Actually Wong is the only one.

He likes everything because he is a positive person.



Tekken, for starters, u just need to know which moves are launch punishable, and which are not. (Launch punishable moves are very visually distinct. You can tell which moves are very unsafe)

Besides that, you need to know which are your + on block frames moves.

That’s about it.

Sanford really has an unhealthy relationship with SFV. Should just stop playing it and talking about it. He’s not even missing out on anything, considering Season 4 is in hibernation.

Im sure it seems that way to people who regularly invest in the game, but for anyone new they still have to learn all of those generic numbers and then if they wanna delve further, learn how to play a game where they have to hit the stick the right way just to move

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Man, I’m looking at some SamSho footage and…

SNK needs to stop fucking around and make a new metal slug.

Real recognize real, you know that shit would make money.

P.S. I want a new Aero Wings though. :sob:

P.S.S. Looking at the movement and a few other things, I wonder if Falke is a capcom interpretation of a SamSho character. She has to be SFied to make sense. But a lot of the gameplay with her has to be very deliberate. :thinking:


Here are the numbers you need to play Tekken:

Jabs/crouch jabs are 10f, and barely negative on block
Generic df1s are 13f and barely negative on block
Ws4s are 11f - almost all lows can be punished by them
Most characters have a launcher at 15f from both standing and crouching

There. That’s it. All you need to know. Contrast that with the frame kill motherfuckery you need to be able to do basic oki in SFV, or knowing which characters individual setups or frame traps even work on before you’re allowed to mount offense, and I genuinely think that’s easier. Plus, you can avoid playing the frame game at all if you want to, since whiffing a jab can get you launched on reaction. Avoiding or punishing similar stuff in SFV required far more upfront work and knowledge than it ever did to me in T7.

A far bigger problem is that T7 flat out refuses to teach this stuff. If there’s one game that could use a tutorial, it’s that one.