SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Maybe… we have :facepunch:t5:

probably because I’m on pretty sporadic and usually for short burst at a time unless I set time aside for longer sets. Maybe we can get some in later this week.

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Well you missed the other part. I can beat a fair amount of people. But I don’t think I wanted to get better at fighting games until some few days ago. For whatever reason something switched and I just started paying a bit more attention at certain things involving games. Part of that was the mental approach to these games; the other was that for some reason i really, really cared that I was stuck in super plat.

The reality is that the people who want to improve, flip that switch to get better, are gonna be few. SRK is a lot of people that really like fighting games and then some that legitimately flipped that switch into become students of their hobby.

Playing at certain levels is okay. FGC is multi-leveled in skills, it just has enthusiast in it so they’ll be better than the vast majority of the planet that isn’t. But unless you decide that you do care about getting really good, its hard to move people forward.


Well, daily reminder, usually those high ranked guys, just like all the pro players play a shit ton of sfv. A coupe years back I read somewhere where they asked a few pro players (infiltration,daigo,tokido,etc.) and they all practiced/played at least 6 hours a day, at least. Same for high ranked streamers like cero blast,I mean, just a reminder to don’t get discouraged, they’re supposed to beat your ass and be ranked so high.

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I know Sanford was on Tekken for awhile when he had quit playing SFV. Seems like he’s stopped playing it, though. Not sure how the Tekken scene looks in NY. Doesn’t seem particularly great at Next Level.

PR Rog is another that’s basically stopped playing. He’ll still jump on every now and then, but he has 0 passion for the game. He seemed really happy to play during S2 when Rog was at his best, but I think he began to play less and less even before the nerfs.

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Dude has huge local with multiple games not called SFV. It’s not like he’s in the middle of nowhere like @Evil_Canadian

I am too busy making serious bank to practise SFV 6 hours a day or more.

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How do you do live coaching , also time difference could be akward.

Well, maybe live coaching wasn’t the right word, but something like a post here and you edit it as the set goes on or something

I didn’t think this through completely I just get annoyed at Twin’s whining. Can’t imagine how other people felt when I was on an even worse train

PS. I am 75% sure Twin is worse than me because I am try to fucking adapt to my opponents when I am not this drunk.

Zeku is top 5, time to stop pretending how that this character isn’t good.

I agree. He’s on par with Rashid. If not better.

I’m playing Japanese Rashid, B O Y S!


For what it’s worth I still have the same problem. At some point I thought the jitters would just magically go away from experience.

I’m learning more that shifting my mental space makes it less of a factor - when I’m more focused on application or learning than winning (with winning as the by product) I don’t psyche myself out as much. But even then I still get the shakes sometimes. May never fully go away.

For me that rush of nerves is exactly why I need to seek that experience out more. It’s the quick shock of “win a 2/3 vs some rando” that causes the nerves but it is also a critical thing to get better at. At least for me.

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I wonder who is more in the middle of nowhere. Me or @Evil_Canadian .

Pretty sure its him, but still curious.

I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that to play optimally in this game you need good rest, a calm mind and concentration.

It’s a mentally taxing game for 80% of the cast.

From reading his posts, he sounds way out there. Canada is the definition of rural. You get outside the cities and you nearest neighbor might be 15 miles away or more.

Thanks. I’m a particularly very anxious fucker, but good to hear. I did (deliberately) try to stand back a little, this time, and even learned (and exploited) a few habits of the players, so there’s hope. Next time I feel brave enough, I’ll try to do more of that

Or being drunk out of your mind. Either work.
It is a damn weird game.

Being drunk just lets you be free of how utterly stupid some shit is.

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This reminds me of that image of Tokido vs Daigo at an event, think it was called Red Bull something where they were about to play each other and both took a moment before the match began by closing their eyes and meditating. That was pretty sick.

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What I tried yesterday was streaming myself playing some casuals while Frost and one of his friends watched. They were in the voice channel of the discord and were pointing out everything I was doing wrong. I found it pretty informative, and I’ve got a lot more stuff to practice now.

Don’t fucking disregard how much good coaching can do to your game skills.
Again, I have a hope of being the best female player in Brazil because of the coaching I am getting from pros.

I would love if they too could get coaching mid matches during tournaments. Would make for much more interesting and tense matches.