SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Pit Fighter was the first Smash game.

Don’t @ me.


I remembered Pit Fighter, I just didn’t know whether to call that a fighting game.

It’s fighting game enough. Although yeah enough of what caught on with MK is that the digitized graphics gave it a sense of realism that you couldn’t get from sprite graphics based on drawn animation.

Digitized graphics are one of those “hasn’t aged well” things.

When I was young and say MK 1/2/3 in arcades I thought they looked amazing, and much better than the SF cabs. Nowadays though, I think the exact opposite.

no new infos will drive any new people to sfv. and the one who sticked till now will most likely stay.

It’s about as much a fighting game as Wrestlefest was. Like, definitely kind of a fighting game.

Bitch, please. It was as much as a fighting game as Karate Champ and Yie Ar Kung Fu.
And yes, I played both of Karate Champ and Yie Ar Kung Fu at the arcades.
Also, yes, Tutancâmon was my childhood friend at kindergarten.

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Why is Sonic Sol such a salty ass nigga lmao!!!

Funny enough when I was a kid, I always thought SF looked better regardless. The hand drawn animation always looked better to me and always liked how the characters animated and popped better with the emphasis on color. All of the characters having their own style and their own set of normals was way more fun to look at then MK where everyone had the same style and the same buttons unless you did a special move.

Part of the issue with photo digitization is everything can only look as good as it does “in real life” and in most of those games the frames of animation per move were really short. Like part of the reason Pit Fighter looks so jank now is every move only has like 2 frames of animation so everyone visually fights really rock em sock em robot ish.

I remember renting the snes version of that game that’s probably the most disappointed I ever was in a video game rental.

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DON’T EVER mention that travesty of the SNES port ever again.
That thing was released in fucking ALPHA state. :angry:
I was SO pissed when I played it for the first time.

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I had ET for the 2600. I was young enough to think the problem with it was me.

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It’s one of those “ooo so real” moments that make good initial impressions. Especially to youngling me.

Another example. I remember playing Oblivion in the 360 for the first time and haveing the same “ooo so real” thoughts. I still boot that up on occasion for the shock of how ugly the thing everyone thought was Gorgeous actually was.

The real reason Laura’s s.MK was stupid was it was an auto footsie like Ken’s step kick in SFIV. Button that moves her forward so it can whiff punish while being relatively safe on block. Then add VTC and fun stuff happens.

Akuma’s s.MK is good, but definitely much harder for any random scrub to abuse because it doesn’t auto move him forward. You actually have to place yourself somewhat with that button.

If they just removed the auto footsie part of Laura’s s.MK it would have been fine, but they nerfed it into the ground instead so now Laura players only use it to VTC.

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And that is fine because Laura deserves the very worst.


Saying that about one of your own? :frowning:

Laura is as Brazilian as her boobs are real. AKA, FULL fake.
She ain’t green nor ugly. She can burn in hell.

I thought fake boobs were popular in Brazil tho :thinking:


Yup stylize menu, font, gauge and huds are always the way to go. I understand that they skipped it on 5 to avoid being redundant.

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Finally I did it, +600dmg combo.