SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Just Sony, Microsoft has been ok with cross play for a while, and so has been Nintendo.
Sony is being a cunt about it, it’s a well known fact. They even stated out right they don’t want cross play because PS4 is the “superior” experience (big lol to that) during their fortnite fuck-up.


My point was that there’s more to the design than the aesthetic. SF never goes any deeper than aesthetic and function.

This was fine back in the arcade days, but we ain’t in those days anymore.

Not with that c-c-combo breaker trash everywhere

Yeah most people online are just gonna do what they want to do. At least 'round these parts.

G is a lot of fun and I like the flair he has but honestly he feels like going down another Laura path. In general I don’t find command grabs satisfying in this game (outside of probably Mika’s EX Typhoon) and I don’t really want to play another char that is so momentum heavy. I liked how he had better neutral tools than Laura but I know if I stick with him its just gonna be me trying to force a square peg into a round hole with playstyle vs char tools.

I generally like playing a more mid-range buttonsy game and finding a char that fits that while still being fun to play in this game has been a pain in the ass. Kolin is the best fit I’ve found so far.

Not for everyone I guess.

But combo breakers are a remarkably balanced and well thought out mechanic for the most part.

I really enjoyed that system. I thought the lockouts and counter breakers made it fun to play around your opponent’s break tendencies and really fuck them up. It was crazy how many people just defaulted to breaking mediums; throw in a light or a heavy and oops locked out.

Oh yea i agree. Thats the only way to catch mk. Gotta do more. But sfv is undoubtedly more mass appeal than other fgc stuff aside from dbz. Just gotta not have terrible releases.


There’s other stuff too.

My only real complaint is that a large part of the system (not all) was basically the same between all the characters.

I really liked how the characters looked in the old KI1 and 2. The modern KI cast makes me wanna gouge my eyes.

MK had that goofy fantasy martial arts thing going on from the get go, and has rebooted itself a few times.

With a character like Ryu, a generic shonen type protagonist, I’m not sure where you go?

To shill SF3 characters a bit, they were a little better in this regard, if only a little.

SF can be happy at this point that it has a name to carry the brand, otherwise SFV would have burned down 2016 in the Inferno of a Release.

MK also has the name going for it.

Tekken too, allthough Tekken games are actual good products.

Thing is SF has it’s name, thats all. Games get carried by their name, not their quality.
If Quality was the biggest part, CoD wouldn’t sell since BO1.

I suppose this is a relevant question, I always see people talking about CVS, but I hardly ever see people talking about SvC.
Was it a bad game?
Or is it just the usual Capcom made it? Great.
SNK made it? Leave it to Mexico.

It’s pretty broken.

But yeah the later.

One my reply because I forgot to hit this part.

I know exactly what you are talking about.

Because Ranked throws such a cross section of players at you it is possible to rank up without actually improving your play in a way that makes those wins sustainable. Like it is all just point thresholds so if you have a good day where you happen to get a streak of players you can beat with how you play or match ups you do well in, you can get past a goal.

What can make that frustrating and disheartening is when you hop back into it again later and plummet like a million LP. I’ve done this a couple of times. Just getting to a point is one thing; being able to actually sustain yourself there is another.

I’ve come to a similar conclusion in that I don’t really want to be bouncing up and down if I can help it. There is always going to be flex playing online but I want to actually learn and get better so that when I hit some of those plateaus I can stay there for a bit. One of the reasons I want to switch for S4 was that I wanted a character I was happier with the consistency of. Now its the grind of building skills back up to where I can start the slow climb again.

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Get off my character.


I know that feeling of losing points, over the past few weeks I’d jump on and drop almost to super gold hell a month or two a go I dropped to regular gold. The bad part is I can’t put my finger on what I’m doing wrong on those days. Like today and yesterday I did fairly well, but some days I’m just getting absolutely mauled or falling for stupid shit.

And to your other post well I don’t blame you for dropping g on that point. And even though I’ve learned to get a few wins with Laura I still feel the same. I know there’s players like idom and mahreen that kill with her I just can’t play ballsy enough to get the full potential from her. Feels like walking a tightrope playing her, there’s danger all around. I’m looking at the roster to see who I’m going to learn. I’ve always wanted to play blanka but he seems like it’d be similar to Laura in a way, and by that I mean having to play risky and tricky to win.

No, you get off my character! I’ve been in the trenches since S2 I deserve the chance to play someone without little arms and shitty command grab. And/or a leveling mechanic.

Akhos hit on this point before but every char in this game has an asterisk after them for me. Drives me sort of nuts.

The lack of Wan Fu in the new SamSho so far is very concerning.
If he doesn’t show up, I will have to fall back to Charlotte or worse, embrace the top tier life and play Ukyo… :frowning:

You don’t deserve shit.

Play Kage or something.


Laura is generally kind of swingy. One of the legit worst things about her IMO is her match up chart and I don’t think it got any better into S4. So you have plenty of match ups that at least kind of suck to play to start off with and then from there you’re playing an aggro momentum/robbery char which isn’t the most stable platform to build off of.

Honestly a lot of it is what Frost hit on earlier in the thread and others have said: patience is the important thing. A lot of times you can give up damage, momentum, positioning, whatever just trying to pressure for no real good reason other than the underlying feeling that, well, its a fighting game so I guess I should be attacking or hitting buttons or something.

Its not the same as playing passive, which is a problem I have, but the opposite approach basically boils down to throwing shit at the wall hoping some of it will stick. That will win some games. And then you run into a legit patient player (or even a half patient player) and they blow your asshole out and you wonder what the fuck you are even doing playing. :slight_smile:

For me at least it has been the long, slow realization that I know exactly dick all about playing Street Fighter. I know how to play the video game called Street Fighter. I can do the hadokens and the dargon punches. But actually playing the game? What I have done up for a long time was very much not playing Street Fighter.

So its the double process of me of learning what it means to actually play SF, and then what that means in the context of SFV. Made all the slower by not really feeling any character enough to really want to dig into them.