SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Nobody said he had bad taste.

Just that he only has the one taste.

The thing you anime guys have to understand is that character design matters a fucking ton. More than “lolgore” or “only Capcom” or whatever. Ninjas and kung fu designs have mass appeal.


I fully agree.

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Despite starting off as pallets swaps Characters like Scorpion and Sub Zero or radically different now in both playstyle, personality, and story.

Compare that to Ryu and Ken. They have still only been differentiated in relatively small ways (not necessarily a problem), and they are still shallow, generic shonen protagonists.

There’s more to it than just “cool ninja”.

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He’s just saying she is a white girl with blonde hair. @Twinblades is just like his cousin K-Brad :smirk:

Yeah i can’t put my finger on what makes MK characters cool but aesthetically I’d be down to main like almost every character.

Like to me MK11 Jade is better than any design in SFV.

They are all real characters not just a function and an aesthetic.

Edit: … maybe not all…

I mean i don’t really know how anyone plays I’m just referring to looks.

Thats literally every series except SF.
Characters are functions, steretypes, bland and shallow.
Doesn’t help that their storywriters are incompetente and make things only worse.

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I wouldn’t go that far, but SF does have comparatively low interest in their characters outside of aesthetic.

The ninjas be cool as shit and they have nice colour palettes

It just occurred to me where is the crossplay at? I feel like no fighting game after SFV has done it.

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I think you need the agreement of the console developer. Sony being partnered with SFV could be a big reason as to why we saw it in V.

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I think that’s mostly down to Sony and M$ not wanting to play nice.

So unless you’re exclusive to one console, no dice.

Will do, I need to add some more of y’all on cfn too.

I am not an “anime guy”, I play a lot of anime fighters because they are among the best in gameplay currently available. I mostly play KoF currently and that’s the same flavor of Anime as SF.
Aa a matter of fact I spent my arcade days as a child on SNK stuff.
I just always considered MK shit. The characters are dumb from MK1. I lived in an Army compound as a child because my father was an officer, they had a small entertainment room for the soldiers with pinball and 2 arcades that took 1/3 the money of regular arcades (not a 1 to 1 comparison but let’s say 20 cents for a credit).
The 2 games I remember being there for quite a while were MK1 and Power Spikes (not sure if 1 or 2, male teams only, no robots) I played power spiked over that poor excuse for a FG

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Our lord and savior KI3.

I’m optimistic for more Xbox>PC>Switch crossplay as several games now have that.

I don’t know what to tell you PS4 folks.

I hate Killer Instinct. Cool characters but that game can stay away from me and my family.

Only fighter worse than that is Tekken. If i ever see my kids playing that I’ll disown them on the spot.

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You do know that KI is probably the closest to SF of any other game right?

Shotos are kung fu designs. But anyway Capcom makes characters that have mass appeal. The ninja/kung fu thing applies to mk as a whole.

My point is that character design is the most important factor into whether most people like a fighting game.

You can make arguments all day about whats a superior product. But if your designs are too niche, your game is gonna have tournaments in parking lots