SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Wrote this some years ago but casual buyers are “value” shoppers. They want their games to feel like it’s hold enough things to justify the 60 dollars. With FGs that translates into lots of characters (regardless of play experience) and lots of fluffy modes for them to go “Dude, this game has lots of modes, totally worth 60.”

Seriously, the way you sell games to casuals has tits all with VS mode, its all to do with all the other modes that give you the experience and feel of having played a game. That’s why NRS prints money. They make modes that make you feel like you “played” the game.

So as long as you make them feel like they “played” something, they’ll basically keep buying it. That’s why simplifying games in order to get casuals into playing them is a failing proposition. No matter how easy or hard the game is, they aren’t going to learn it. OTOH, if you make a bomb story mode for them taht makes them feel good, you can make a game with more substance and depth without sacrificing the enjoyment of either customer.


I tried to see what they had in the menu screen. I saw a “Story”, which is something KOF14 had. If it’s following the same formula as KOF14, Story=Arcade Mode, which is fine. Not sure what else it’ll be packed with.

Interestingly enough, the Switch/PC ports are delayed, so it looks like the PS4/XB1 releases were sped up for Evo. Hope the game has no issues at launch.

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I saw the following off the top of my head: Story, Battle, Dojo, and Gallery. Might be able to find it in Li Joe’s clips.

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Pretty sure they already showed Shiki in the trailer. She’s the one with heterochromia right?

Blazblue has a metric shit ton of single player stuff. That still didn’t attract casuals.

You have to understand intention to properly emulate what they do, but a lot of what Grand Master players do is usually vs. another Grand Master player, so their baits/delayed traps/oki might not work vs. a lower Silver/Gold player who isn’t covering themselves defensively in order for those things to be needed.

Like, at lower levels up until probably Ultra Dia you can just let people hang themselves. Have a few meaties/throw baits, and just play the ground.

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Still gotta have it. That metric ton of stuff is what keeps NRS afloat.

They’re definitely the kings of Western Fanservice.


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"At launch, there will be a number of modes available to the player. Alongside the prerequisite story, online, and offline versus modes, there will also be a new asynchronous mode called “Dojo.” While SNK didn’t delve into the specifics of how it’ll work, it did say that Dojo will use deep machine learning to create custom computer-controlled opponents.

These AI fighters will learn from how a player behaves in online and offline modes, and battle against the player with this behavior in mind.
These AI characters will be shareable, and Samurai Shodown players will also be able to download versions of other players that are online. Ghosts will be available to fight in one-on-one battles, as well as a unique Ironman Challenge that pits a player against 100 AI fighters in a row. The potential here is interesting, especially when it comes to teaching how to play the game."


I’m just mad I gotta wait an extra week for Power Rangers.

That’s the game for me right now. Never did I think I’d be anticipating it this much.

Yeah I feel like that is also worse with someone like Laura. You’re trying to play around reads and conditioning which already varies by opponent, and at least with my experience against SG/UG players it is pretty rare you can actually condition them. Figure out something relatively safe that works and repeat it until they die or you run into a genius and they actually adapt. :wink:

Also I always say it but better too much than not enough: I’m always up for games, schedules permitting. It sucks that our schedules don’t line up much because I think we are at similar points of development so we can work on a lot running sets.

In general I also really need to play more casual and eventually ranked matches. I miss having a goal to work towards. Hopefully all the beatings I’ve taken with Kolin recently knocked a few lessons in place I can use against the randos.


The whole Mortal Kombat series is a sham. It has always been an inferior game to the competition that lives off casuals because of the legacy obtained out of 1 gimmick (lolgore) that was the shit at the time and is fucking ridiculous now where gore is a feature in many videogames.

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Do a spaced LP hands followed by the mid parry.

That works on basically everyone at our level.

every thread brings a worse post than the last

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MK1 the graphics were so grainy that even in the arcade the gore was barely gory.

Honestly think it got more eyeballs for its at the time unique graphics engine than anything. As far as I can recall it was the first FG with something other than hand drawn graphics.

I’ve felt that one before. :slight_smile:

Definitely adding it to the pile.

Also LP Para, LK xx LP Para can be equally effective. “Hands infinite”

Those of you excited for SamSho. I’m going to ask ONE thing. Please please please keep that same energy when this game comes out. That super heavy footsie/neutral centralized gameplay? The 1-2 hit combos? Not for me. I’m all for a happy medium but this isn’t it. As was said earlier, this will cater to a specific albeit very niche type of fighting game player.

If you like it, I love it.

If hands hits do LK>hands

If it is blocked, mid parry.

well apparently it’s not getting a pc release until like 2020 so no promises on how i’ll feel in a fucking year. why do companies do this to me

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2020!? Yeah…that sucks. I’m here thinking maybe a month or two after the June release…