SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Rashid cr.LK


SFVs online is at least emulated to play closer to offline so this makes sense. Plus the league system makes it so the highest ranks online are pretty much all legit threats for tournaments. Barring dashes and certain gimmicks being a bit easier to deal with offline.

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Damn son


High-level SS sets from LI Joe:


Believe it or not that’s how most of the SF games play. SF4 style set ups were only really a thing when you had certain characters and crazy meter (A3 V-ism unblockables and Urien/Oro stuff in 3S).

You had some stuff that was next level sillies like Vega’s walldive and Chun’s Neckbreaker loops, but your wake up wasn’t going to be met but a lot of shenanigans.

Gonna cosign DJ on some of this stuff, I absolutely love how chunky some of these normals feel. Like it just gives you a really satisfying for landing it. Kind of how when Sagat hit people with a fierce in CvS2 it just felt like they got fucked up. Same reason I love Chun’s St.HP in 3S, just feels like you hit them in their soul.

SF5 is missing some of that. Normals that just feel good to land. A button that you hit and go “GODDAMN”.


High level still looking basic AF and heavy buttons doing 20 to 30 percent damage. Looking like a good game so far. Who needs combos when single buttons do whole combos worth of damage? Please keep the shit like this SNK.

Good old boring ass fightcade game. Jump heavy special move doing 20 percent.



Just remembered, that’s why I love Old Zeku’s st.hp, cr.hp and st.hk . Any time I land does it feels like I fucked somebody up. You cancel st.hp into HK koku on hit and,



I want all combo videos for Sam Sho to be 2 hit deals. No long stuff.


Samsho look like it got umvc3 hitboxes

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Everybody is a sword character. Might as well give everyone trenchcoat alts.

The number of times I’ve watched that combo video. Kind of sucks how SF5 seems to have killed combo videos. SF4 had a crazy amount of them.

Man, there were some hype replays in the VersusAsia tournament.

Also Sagat is terrible for Old Zeku. Koku has too much recovery to try and get into a fireball war with him. momochi making some of it work. Not sure what bonchan is afraid of in some of those situations (just lets himself get walked down by that slow ass walkspeed).



SFV didn’t kill Combo Videos.
It just has no Combo Videos.

Other games still have, since they have more than 2-3 Combo Routes.

Bonchan plays mad safe at midrange, won’t throw many fireballs doesn’t want to eat the jump. It can lead to a round-end just off of one. Most of his matches are him buffering/baiting jumps with a QCF pump and then a lot less actual fireballs.

I don’t mind SFV not being very combo video friendly. Not every character is combo friendly in older games any ways. Like 3S Alex all of his flashy combo video stuff is impractical in actual matches and a character like A2 Birdie, he just can’t combo literally LOL.

SFV’s combo videoy combos require spacing specific stuff. That’s why most of the time you see them is after dizzies or certain times with characters like Juri if they feel like getting some micro walk stuff in. Game is more like A2 or 3S in that sense minus the real animu characters.

Samsho is up my alley in that also. Less combo vid stuff the better. Just do buttons into more buttons into a special maybe.

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Match between devs, lil more going on. Love this game aesthetically, they got the shading right this time around.

Praying the netplay is good. Please lord.


Especially considering that number of people that played SF4 on PS3. As someone that had SF4 on all platforms, PS3 was fucking awful. GFW SF4 PC > SF4 360 > SF4 PS4 > Steam SF4 PC >>>>>>>> SF4 PS3 > SF4 3DS (Fuck touch screen Guile)

I remember when my brother and I would play SFA3 when we were much younger, his main was Gen and sometimes he would do that crouching Gen hard punch where he attacks with his fingers and counter hits me and that alone took away like 20% of HP, and I would be like “holy shit I fucked up bad”


It’s SNK so pray your got damn ass off.


I can’t even front Samsho looks like a game I’d play for a week before going back to SFV.