SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

@Pertho @Saitsu

That whole Bushi Chain/EX DP/Super interaction made me smile.

So few fucks given. I could find no fucks anywhere.

Active VT1 means I don’t have to give a fuck, I had a safe getaway. I didn’t expect him to go for CA.

My super should’ve beat that.

Also that EX Kage overhead is super fast.

Edit: Does he get extra invincibility in V-Trigger?

shrug I just know if you blocked I was teleporting the fuck out of there hoping you weren’t gonna react.

Okay I gotta stop with the scrub strategies I was doing.

It can work. I’m definitely less YOLO than Pertho.

With Karin I have mad damage, so if we just take turns punching each other in the face, I win.

Thought you were going to Hadouken there.

I am mad at that DP not coming out to finish that combo.

Edit: and that bHP

Good thing I’m randomly dropping regular inputs. Don’t know wtf is up with that.

Also from now on y’all are getting finessed on the ground for calling me YOLO.

I didn’t even mean it in a bad way. You treat everything your doing with 100% confidence that it will work.

I respect that approach.

I also saw you dropping the sMP>HP target combo cancel for no reason. Such is online.

Aight big post.

Also is deconstructing your play something you would be interested in? Perhaps a can even set a private video with invitations? Have a think.

First things first before we get to the match. I think you have to reset your brain and settle on a style. You are clearly a floater, you have no way of playing and no set style, it’s all very by the numbers. The five main styles in Street Fighter I would say are these -

  1. Rushdown - generally not too concerned about risky play , has a varied attack, can hit confirm well. Fights with the attitude that aggression will win over defence. Doesn’t mind taking damage to get in.

  2. Zoner - Generally tries to frustrate the opponent to give up free damage ( anti airs, dashing) controls the pace of a match. Uses buttons well as pokes over conversion. Generally not too concerned about set ups. Has good situational awareness.

  3. Footsie - Uses movement and buttons to make the opponent scared to play. Usually holds ground well and spends a lot of time making the opponent feel uncomfortable. Generally good reactions and a strong AA game.

  4. Hit and Run - the opposite of a footsie player. Generally avoids mid range interactions in favour of fast eratic attacking patterns and generally hangs around in safe positions when defending. Likes to stay outside then get inside.

  5. Turtle - The opposite of rush down. Generally takes minimal risks at all time, is level headed under pressure. Likes to draw rounds out and banks on scoring free damage frustrating the opponent.

So… You have poor reactions ( cuts out zoner, Rushdown and footsie straight off the bat). That leaves you with hit and run or turtle. So I’d settle on one of these styles and concentrate on reinventing yourself personally I’d go hit and run for your style. It’s 3 years in, if you can’t hit confirm properly now or react, its not getting better from here.

Now to the match - I only really needed to watch one round to know what I was Gona say and you know what I’m going to say -

In multiple cases in even just the first round ( times attached) you are walking back for absolutely no reason even while Karin is walking back herself. In the first instance you walking back actually opens up the space which flyingV then just takes as an invite to shoulder - 29 seconds , multiple times in the round you can put a double decker bus in between the characters. FlyingV is also doing it. If you’re Gona hang around here , you’re going to have to pick a zoner or at least become more active with projectiles.

You do save the meter well then dump it, which makes me think you should play hit and run. You shit yourself though on the timer , below 10 seconds there’s a 99% chance he’s Gona jump or dash. Should have kept quiet and let him hang himself.

Overall I think you should dump the placid footsies you play now ( walk about, press crmp, walk about , press cr.mk) in favour of staying out of that zone and going on with fast movements like dashing and cross ups. When you hang back look for easy anti airs and build meter with projectiles. Frustrate - attack - repeat.

Do not think of jumping or dashing as “bad play” it’s quite strong. Also more throwing.


I wish I could blame dropped inputs on my end, but I think I’m just strictly playing like shit. Nothing is coming out how I want it and that’s all on me.

FlyingVe furiously writing notes on all of this.

Honestly Saitsu, you’re playing fine for your level. There’s a lot of stuff you could be doing that haven’t. Like I haven’t seen a CC combo when you bait a DP etc. You have a fairly good awareness of when to hit buttons but you aren’t quite doing that offensively as well as you could yet.

You have more ability than yo ugive yourself credit for though.

I’m mostly frustrated because I see my mind being able to keep up and know what to do, but for whatever reason it’s just not transmitting to my hands.

You can sometimes trace the cause of a headache to where you feel it most intensely. Behind the eyes for example is related to your sinuses.


that’s the hypest way to end a round with Zeku.

Don’t @ me.

Thumbs up.

I had no reason to run into everything that game. But you beat my ass like I deserve for it.

The fuck was that?!

I saw that too. I think you hit Cammy out of a Vskill at a weird time.

Also @Akhos you get into positions for the hit and run but don’t capitalize, like for example at about 2:30 last round against Karin you are both one hit from death, you walk back to open up the space ( this is a jumping bait, wether you know you’re doing it or not) then he jumps…then you die.

My brain at that point would have been 75% concentrate on jump, 25% on ground.

You would have won that round, but you lost the match.

Online difficult and AA for everyone can be tough,but you almost set that up only to not do it anyway.