SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I mean, your name is LosingWithStyle…



Wanted to keep grinding but got a major headache coming on for some reason…guess I’ll just lab for a bit and head to bed early

…I swear Pertho I’m not dodging you on purpose :sob:

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My wife gets migraines so I know the stress.

Go watch AppleJack be the best mare.

True, but now I’m not even having with that. It just feels frustrating. Might also be this cold making everything less enjoyable. You guys continue to have fun.

I’m on now, I will play whoever invites me.

Turning SFV on myself.

Also looks like I do have a reason to at least keep Ed as a secondary.

This looks extremely hard for Kage. Playing against some Giefs has felt terrible on my end.

It’s weird 'cause I don’t normally get them at all. Dunno what the cause is.

Only been training online for 3 and a half hours which is low for me…maybe I’m just playing while stressed again.

Are you hydrated?

I did hella yardwork yesterday and my whole body is wrecked. Maybe you’ve done some stressful stuff unbeknownst to yourself.

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Yeah, I drink a cup of water every hour to make sure.

Only other thing I can think of is I’ve been ragging on myself constantly whenever I do something wrong, but I do that all the time anyway and usually feel fine. Maybe I was just more tired today than I thought or something.

I dunno, either way playing further right now is probably a bad idea

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SFA3 Bison got that SFV stubbiness

Yeah for me headaches are usually 3 things.
Dehydration, Hunger, or strangely sleeping too much.

Nothing personnel, kid.

Gotta give up those ankles sometime.

Just got baited 5 times in a row along with two chokes…great start to the day.

But if you don’t mind, can you just use Zeku? I feel like I need to get legitimately thrashed constantly to actually start properly learning the character.

Are you under any weird extreme stress from any cause, even self-inflicted such as exams, work, life, etc? In my mid-to-late 20s, work issues (company being taken over aggressively, everybody at each other’s throats) really fucked me over, and had insane tension headaches. I didn’t realise what caused it until I spoke to my boss.

Been working the past 3 years without this issue. I think it’s just something unique to today, and I like my job so it’s definitely not there

Saw your Cody at Mhike2stronk today. You lost with style at least.
He is just too insane of a Gief.

@FlyingVe Gotta show you all the ways to punk people with this trigger.


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Most likely a one-off shit day or two then, but if it continues, get a better, professional opinion on it all.

I was taking some notes.

There were some there that I hadn’t thought of/tried before.

Also, no idea what to do against Koku with Abigail. But, that’s kinda that characters life.

Doesn’t look too bad. Snake Eyez did pretty well vs Stupendous’ Gief in the vid I linked a few days ago. His buttons are better vs Kage than people realize and Gief can’t really jump without taking an air fireball or DP that will knock him pretty far away. Not as good of a match as Ed or Falke can make it, but still pretty doable.