SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

record a dummy doing a tic throw, then turn on another recording where they do a frame trap instead, let them both play at once and then find the timing to press tech where you block the frametrap and tech the throw.


Maybe at some point, if I can ever rank up

Still don’t like the idea of sending invites to random people who could probably get more out of playing someone else. Wasted enough of their time in ranked already and all that

Like at least you get a kick out of beating my ass but you know me already from here

With all those tournaments going on I decided to play a few rounds of SFV. After almost a month of playing DOA this feels like it’s running in slow-motion. After five matches I ran into a ‘5 bar’ Bison who was lagging so hard it made me nauseated.

I really hope that going forward every fighting game will let me know whether my opponent is a WiFi idiot or a wired gentleman.

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nothing stopping you from being a laggy 5 bar with a wired connection

It certainly reduces the risk of it happening though.

It’s not stopping any of the better players here. Even if you are just playing regular ranked, as you move up you will find better players.

Remember, players like me, I’ve had this game for like, 2 months, and I haven’t put all that much time into it. I’m not going to be in a position to push you for a long time. You gotta find people who will beat your ass, and ranked is a great way to do that, even if some of those matches will be trash.

That said, I hope we can still play. Eventually I will start jumping over snatcher.

Alright thanks everybody I know it was pretty self explanatory just wanted to make sure and hear it from people that would know. I definitely have come across people who seem to be able to block or tech everything so I know how to blow that up.


I say take your time with it. No rush running into ranked if you’re not ready for it. It’s easy to just go into a losing points spiral if you go in with the wrong mentality.

You should always play ranked, but there’s reasons to just chill and take your time also. I think you’d do better going to some majors first so you can get yourself in the competitive mindset in person first. Then take that mentality online and grind ranked after.

I mean I did go to EVO 2016 and 2017, and a few things before then

I only didn’t go to anything last year 'cause I was trying to move out

Ranked means nothing but it will get him pairing up with better players.

Twin gets sets with top players and he’s garbage.

Yeah I would say more frequently go to stuff and get more sessions in at those events and ask a lot of questions. Sometimes getting advice and going through motions in person helps things stick better.


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Why delay tech when you can take the throw and not risk taking double the damage from a shimmy? :thinking:

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Also, wow, people have moved up the ranks a lot in these last three months. Platinum feels like the new Gold, totally not what it used to be when I was playing the last time. Platinum Ibuki level 65 used to beat me pretty bad but these guys are free.

This is why i love command grabs. No fancy delays needed just scoop that ass. I didn’t even know or understand it was a thing until like last year because I churn butter like I live in Amish country.


Anyways, anyone want to play SFV for a bit?

Old men fight like this



This is the most appropriate way to fight.

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ryus always get so offended when you lame them lol


Didn’t rematch after I won so either lame salt or CFN

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