SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

iamchuan was 1 pixel of health from proving me wrong but i get to keep guile low on my list because he pressed sweep :slight_smile:

My reactions are straight up garbage, so I do too much pre-emptively 'cause I can’t react to stuff

The rest is dead on so not much else to say there~

I keep asking the better players in here for games (or just anyone really), but aside from you no one responds and our connection is bad.

I’m just not worth their time right now~

That was week 1 I was focusing on getting a handle on other things

I deleted all that crap for a reason

How would one blow up delay tech on wakeup? Like i get the idea but what specifically should you look to do? Like delay your action by how many frames?

Like with Nash you can blow up delay tech after his CA oki by using f.mk on their wakeup. But that move is airborne. Idk how to do it without tools like that and I have difficulty trying to lab it.

Oh im sure. It was still funny though. Fundamentals most important

Delay the action to catch the throw startup. Delay tech isn’t immediate, so you have around an 8f maybe window to work with. So with Cody I just delay cr.mp, if you delay tech I get a CH.

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Super dumb question as it’s right in the name. But what’s the purpose of delay teching. What does it do that would make it better than just normal teching.

Quoted for truth.

Me playing @Akhos is much more about me getting better than you. I’m not a a point yet where I can regularly push you as most of the time I still wind up hanging myself. If you grind’d your rank up more the matchmaker would give you better matches.

lets you block and tech at the same time basically. the downside being that if you don’t block or tech anything, you’ll whiff a throw

BTW I think it’s time to address this.

This weekend is…

No Capcom Reveal 2019

I think everyone is about 100 percent certain NCR will come with No Capcom Reveal (other than maybe more grass and a costume), but if anyone still wants to bet then let’s hear about it.

Also the first day of NCR is my birthday so can give birthday wishes. No Capcom Reveal bday weekend.


OS block/tech on tight frame traps.

It doesn’t get frame trapped the same way.

A frame trap that might blow up a delay tech will lose to a jab. Likewise, if they use the shimmy to avoid that button, you are vulnerable to other things such as a low.

Terrible excuse. Go on ranked, hit a higher rank, find better players, add them on CFN. Invite them to lobbies, add them on Steam. People shouldn’t have to come to you if you want to improve, YOU make the effort. Stop being a bitch.


ill take this bet. load me up with 100 emojis, ill keep believing


You’ll be first on the believers list. Praise be.

how old will you become ? :coffee:



Okay how would one do this I remember a thread or two ago somebody explaining how to practice it in training mode.

Ps- I’m going to the non believer side this time. Cpt, Evo Japan, and final round I was wrong. I’m about to pull the x-kira os and say I was right all along Capcom just pulled the content to make me look bad

To give some additional context to delay tech, if you ever fight someone around mid level (Gold-Plat) that blocks everything and techs every throw, they are probably delay teching. It beats the basic offensive options pretty well.


You just delay your throw, there’s not much to it lmao.

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Layman’s terms videos for it.