SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

it’s no surprise sako tried kage vs bison, that matchup is not good now for menat. i still don’t really understand the total lack of birdie from sako ever. he’s willing to bust out the kage twice but not birdie?

Birdie isnt anime enough for Sako

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there were so many sick raging demons at this tournament lol

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So , i was on a Metro marathon lately and i just finished Last Light. The ending theme is superb.

Nishikin got the crack hoodie.


@HighlandFireball @DevilJin_01 @Frost Tear my gameplay to shreds plz

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Fujimura won the console tournament and Narikun won the first Type Arcade tournament. Kunoichi won everything.

Hope to see more of Narikun. He was one of the early strong online Ibukis during the Majorboy days. Always rocking the grey white beach ninja. He needs to get sponsored. Nishikin does too.

Yes, more ibukis. Make sure she is everywhere so she is forever nerfed in the last balance latch of the game.



Ninjas are deceptive. They can stealthily avoid nerfs

Lol thats so true.

She got all of Season 1 Cammy’s frame data as a season buff and people were downplaying her. These threads have been a wild ride of downplaying.

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Vega really is a fake ninja after all


Vega has an overhead and a command grab. He has the same tools as G. Instead of becoming president of the world, he goes around being a fraud.

That means G is more of a ninja than Vega.

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Yeah im afraid of kunochi getting clapped and Vega hasn’t renewed his ninja card so i may need a third ninja as insurance.

Geki, Satsuki, or Maki will do.

Ninjas Dolls with uzi’s are also acceptable.

I always believe in the Kunoichi. Never be afraid she can’t be nerfed if you main and believe in the ninja

Ever since I started believing in the Bushin-Ryu ways, Zeku has gotten nothing but buffs.

#BestBelieve #DontBeLeftBehind


Real ninjas allow you to believe

Double confirms the power of G. "G"ustavo can beat what look like bad match ups and make them good through believing


Definitely going to need some believing powers to get G to win a CPT premier. Put the stick down once the Kunoichi makes you block. Hokuto No Ken basketball style

I actually have some time right now, so I’ll look over them.

1st thing - stop V-Skilling so much in neutral. It’s a bad habit. Too easy to jump, and at the ranges you do it at, it’s all the opponent has to look for, making it even easier. Only times it should be used so often are when you’re looking for fireballs, or playing closer to the midrange looking to catch a counter-poke. Otherwise, these dudes should be getting a free jump way too often.

Stop delay teching on like every block, just allow yourself to take a throw more often, it’s not worth being shimmy’d or delay trapped, Ve didn’t punish this habit enough but if it were me, I’d have blown you the fuck up once I saw you wanted to tech a lot. Delay teching is super risky in general especially after someone lands a jump-in, because it’s easy to set-up a delay trap and catch techs.

Stop being so active. Especially vs. Karin of all characters, you’re constantly pressing buttons, which is bad when you’re against a fastwalk character with some of the best whiff punishing in the game. Let Karin hang herself, you had her cornered and were mashing cr.mp looking for that buffer, no need. Let her try and jump out or wait for a whiff punish, buffer jabs to catch dash and throw/feint some fireballs to start making her impatient. Once you corner someone in V, all of their corner escape options are ((usually)) committal, jumping out, trying to backthrow you, EX.DP. Only Rashid and Zeku really get free stuff because of walljumping, it’s hard to cover.

You need to react better to some of these random options thrown out. You press buttons without purpose on the ground so often that it takes your mind away from reactive play. You can’t cover what the opponent is doing if you’re heavily active with buttons and looking for counter pokes constantly. Look how many jumps people get on you because you’re busy pressing buttons that will never land.

Time to buff up your oki game. You can’t blow up delay techs, you need to learn how. Delayed meaties, more shimmies. Delayed meaties cover EX.DP options and delay tech as a 2-in-1, need to apply them more. Ve delay tech’d a lot on wake-up. Shimmies, you know them but never apply them.

Still terrible at using VT1 properly.

Play better players. No offence to anyone you played, but you have barely touched anybody capable of bodying the shit out of you in high Diamond/Master. You won’t improve like this.


I remember when Akhos was using Sakura he would NEVER activate trigger. Its too dishonest.

Also i just got done beating up on Bipson player named Lord Billiams