SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

I don’t do twitter it’s a mess. I’ll just let the the actual numbers of the matchups and lack of CPT top 3s that Gustavo gets into with G speak for themselves.

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So what happens if he gets a CPT top 3 and beats a couple of Balrogs on the way?

When and IF that happens, sure. Either way it probably won’t happen often because once Rog train gets going G has to deal with the train the worst of any character in the game. G literally cannot have more than one or 2 block sequences vs Rog before its curtains.

I mean even though it’s realistically even, I wouldn’t even have minded if he said G beats Falke. Falke doesn’t really have the pressure you need to sit on G (although she does love that he only has super as a real defensive option) and her zoning while really good vs G, it just builds up time for his trigger. If she gets real hard offense going then she can burn his V Reversals, but he can at least play that match in a way where he can keep his V bars up until he gets the trigger.

Alright I’m back so I might as well make a post on the set…if I can even remember everything and if you even want to work out Ed, idk as Zeku is definitely your business end. But I never get to do these so here we go.

  • Like I said, s.MP, s.MP isn’t a real anything for Ed. It’s something we use early on because we know “s.MP good button, very plus, keep pressing it” but it doesn’t lead to much. s.MP has that issue on block in general. If anything, and I’m not very good at it but at the very least I know it must be done, the goal for s.MP on block is to facilitate a whiff punish with c.MP or c.MK into Upper into Flicker. s.MP, s.MP was like me using c.MP, s.MP xx Hado with Kage early. Okay for a start but something that should fall off immediately for actual play later on.

  • You did solid going for c.MK xx Upper for whiff punishes or catching me walking backwards and pre-patch I would call that an absolute necessity. Now…there’s pretty much no reason not to just buffer c.MK xx Flicker all day. Flicker only needing 4 P inputs makes it absurdly easy and it’s safe on block, leads into CA as well on hit and honestly leaves you in a better neutral position as unless you’re in the corner normal Upper just pushes too far away to really help continue momentum from whiff punishing.

  • Don’t rely on EX Upper as a reversal or an Anti-Air and admittedly I still had a habit of doing the latter until I ultimately dropped Ed but I knew every time it was a bad idea (unless facing “flip” characters or Dive Kick characters in which case do it all day). It’s too slow and will either lead to the opponent just straight up blocking the attempt, or worse the forward movement will actually make you whiff entirely. If you’re feeling the pressure, just go with c.HP if you feel late on Rising. As a reversal ONLY use it on a hard read, otherwise it’s just absurdly easy to bait, block, and send Ed to hell. Use s.LK as a check instead.

  • Watch s.HK spacing. I wasn’t punishing it, mainly because I’m not used to being able to punish as Ed has bad 4f punishes but most characters will light that shit up if you improperly space. If I was on point and had Kage down, those are just free punishes into full combo.

  • VT1, don’t walk the opponent out of it on block. It’s okay, but not great. Instead dash the opponent out of it and then press a button, preferably s.LP. If they freak out, you get a Counter Hit into full combo. If they jump they’re checked, if they block you now have them at your mercy with an oncoming VT1. Just make sure they don’t have a decent V-Reversal on deck.

  • Last thing I can think of, NEVER go for EX Psycho Splash in the corner. The standard combo CAN work but it’s extremely hard, finicky and requires perfect timing and even a microwalk usually. It’s not even worth it either as Ed has a better combo in the corner. s.MP, c.HP xx Psycho Spark xx LP Psycho Shot (MP works but LP gives you more time to link), c.MK xx Psycho Upper. If you wanna pump damage, you can go EX Psycho Upper. It’s pretty easy to get the hang of and the combo is pretty damn generous in how far out from the corner you can be to start it in order to get the full benefit.

As for things I already know I have to work on. My jumps are still too predictable, I find myself jumping in the same exactly situations and going for the same setups, have to fix that. Have to branch more from them. I get too thirsty for the s.MK xx VTC (and I have no clue why I keep dashing afterwards, never did that with Ed VT2, idk why I think I can get away with it with Kage) and I really have no clue how to handle being at the far range with Kage yet. I have to stop treating Shanketsu like it’s an actual Hadoken, it’s not. It’s closer to Psycho Shot than anything, something only to throw out periodically. I’m sure there’s more but those I immediately remember my issues.

I posted saying Sagat was even, see if he bites.

I just don’t see why Sagat flat out loses, like I can imagine his reply - if he does would be - G - absorbs shots on reaction and can keep pace with Sagats fireball with his own fireballs - flip kicks on raction to tiger shots

Something like that.

But… Sagat can also Dp flip kicks on reaction and can plasma G from the sweet spot where it’s too hard to react with V-skill and that a flip kick is just a guess. Also Sagat has a DP, which I think means a lot more in this match than just your usual “has a Dp” conversation. Sagats V2 also eats up the V-skill fireball and G gets hit. Sagat’s st.hk is also quite good at blowing up G since his pokes are a bit dubious.

I can imagine the old " can just jump over a fireball" coming into play, but honestly, I can “just jump over” one of G’s fireballs if he wants to start a war.

I could maybe be perseuded to put him in the “slight advantage” row - if that’s how he’s structured the list, but really there’s weird shit going on.

Like Nash being really bad and Sagat being really good. I’m not sure that a discrepancy like that would be in another list, unless Nash just doesn’t let G in at all ( and also doesn’t have a reversal??).


Hopefully he doesn’t find out you’re just a Diamond/Super Diamond scrub. He won’t take you seriously.

Makes sense. Looks like he extends his body out pretty far during his fireball and it shoots at angle that sucks vs Guile/Sagat type zoning.


He doesn’t need to take me seriously.

Also fuck you I dont play ranked !

EDIT: Also when he’s at Level 2? He can actually start chucking doubles, which is harder to deal with, but I don’t think it makes his zoning incredible, just serviceable.

Sanford got my back. He should post something now. I can see why I G player might think that, but honestly I’ve got an overwhelming feeling that the % of good Sagat players is so incredibly low that there’s a good chance nobody has really played a good Sagat.

Sagat is almost like a specialist now or an obscure character.


As far as online goes the only actual good Sagats I run into are Zaferino and PianoDensetsu and even they are still missing some old man Sagat stuff. Plus matchup is in Falke’s favor so helps.

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As for Nash being bad only thing I can really figure is that Nash can probably play the matchup like a more offensive Guile and put G in positions where he can’t v skill or flip kick his fireballs safely. Then if Nash gets in everything is plus or spaced safe and once G blocks vs any character vs real offense it’s already near curtains.

Can’t wait to see Gustavo taking a CPT Premiere then. Well, at least he don’t takes the “downplaying muh main character” route.

He will if he picks up another character to go along with G.

G by himself, it probably won’t happen. Nemo loves cheap shit and even he got rid of G. He said the character needs at least armor on something and he’s generally too gimmicky to win events with.

People already complain about the defensive options in this game as is and the top tier all have the meta defensive options you need for this game. When you play G you’re basically saying I don’t give a shit about basic tools that are necessary to win events and hope magic will somehow do it.

Nobody wants to block that long in SFV. It doesn’t pay off. I mean there ARE defensive options in SFV and they are better than the doom and gloom some make them out to be, unless you play G. G’s defensive options actually are as bad as the rhetoric about defensive options in this game.


I watch and play a lot of G players, they get a lot of milage out of that cross up splash cause it’s actually difficult to cross cut. Feels a bit spammy though, like it doesn’t feel as if G’s offence is super safe like Rashid, Ibuki or Akuma.

Reminds me of sort of Fuerte or something, just not as obnoxious. Like yeah this shit is quite good, but if the opponent picks right or counters - you are toast.


Top 16 in Malaysia about to kick off

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Damn, I just missed a Bonchan Sagat match.

Bonchan fucked him up…


Ooh. Bonchan will face Tokido

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Yeah, that’s going to be a good match.

Training stage for the rest of the tournament due to lag spikes?!

Thats bad