SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

So help you what? you’ gonna run and tell other people to come into this thread and read what I said?

If you don’t STFU I’m gonna put together all 6 of the Dimefinity stones to explain to you how goddamn wrong you are on the VTC slide thing and how momochi could be playing way more efficiently with it. All the while answering Vhozite’s question on why you’d pop it early to keep it defensively in a game where being offensive is better.

So stay in whichever Wack Lane you turned into from Wackavelly Avenue while you drink broken teabags in your home in Wackshire. I sure as hell don’t need to see you fronting only to catch things I wrote about suddenly make it unto your posts.

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That was a fucking dreadful attempt at a clapback.

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Here’s how I would have done it by the way.

Lay out the ground work for each stone as an integral part of a society/world or even galaxy. By themselves they’re force of nature but due to some old ancient agreement the stones were to be left alone and only used for the shit that would have benefited most people.

Thanos and his people know of some bullshit galaxy destroying black hole or some shit that just swallows up entire solar systems and its coming soon as fuck. Thanos finds out about the power of the stones combined so his quest directly results in the destruction of the few (billions) to save the many (infinite because comics). Time stone is on earth but not in the hands of D Strange yet. Thanos steps up and uses the black order to get the stone (they makes more sense now). He’s strong but nerfed for the movie because then it’d be game over at the start. So basically he still pummels Hulk and kills Loki.

But on the Garden (titan 2) when the heroes get to space and confront him he explains to the science inclined like Tony what his reason is. Tony is like dude we can totally figure this shit out. But then Thanos is like nah brah you in the CLZ234 quadrant and that’s literally the next stop in T-Minus 5 years or some shit.

Battle ensues heroes lose Thanos fucks off and wins but now everything be held together by the stones goes bat shit and now everything is topsy turvy and supper fucked up. Cue End Game.

It’s still basic bitch story telling but if I had been behind the MCU this would have been my plan.

Trust, yall aint like me who will forever be cursed by Y Zeku slide…

I will always get hit with this even if I know its coming…

Too bad Marn couldnt do much past getting out of that death bracket at SCR. S1 Mika was his one chance to dominate SF

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Everyone does.

I play people 5 times better with me, do a slide, hear the CC sound effect and just giggle in a sinister way. Have the time I don’t even need to VTC I’m just trigger happy.

Weird that he dropped off you’d think in S2 he would have done great.

But I remember someone asked him about that mixup and his response was just “yeah I have no idea what side I’m gonna land on”

That mix was insane lmao.

Thats the thing. S2 Ibuki was like a tier less broken than S1 Mika and it still wasnt enough

Marn knows what hes doing. He always goes to the character Highland will hate the most and hopes for the best

Chun and Ryu were up there too; Great for the game when fundamentals based chars are top of the tier list.

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Abandoning Mika. Weak.

Honestly a bit portion of why those characters were strong in S1 was because they didn’t have to play their traditional fundamental games. Ryu had a throw loop, a stupid jlk that was near impossible to AA and a DP. Chun had IALL at +1 and a much better VT1.

They took away that fucked up jlk and his throw loop and he dropped really far down the tiers.


I believe Agni"s :fire: were always said to be an illusion. In one of his SF4 quotes, I recall him saying the burns aren’t real.

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Maybe because I’m a father the idea of killing my daughter to achieve a batshit crazy goal just doesn’t resonate with me. As a matter of fact, that scene drives home how absolutely tunneled vision he was in his insanity.

This feels too much like you haven’t really read books or dealt with stories where they try to portray a batshit crazy person as sympathetic. A Cask of Amontillado and Lolita do this to show a fucked up person’s twisted logic when it comes to the situation in which they are entirely in the wrong. That doesn’t make the characters’ actions any better, it just a literally trick. In no way will destroying half the population of the universe save it, nor will sacrificing his own daughter to do it save it either.

That whole scene is of fatalistic determination. Basically the culmination of Thanos’s drive. It’s the scene that really drives home that this guy is out on to do something terrible regardless of the cost.

Yeah so, if you feel bad for Thanos, you got GOT by the writers. Which hilariously means they did a good job of feeling bad for a lunatic.


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We all deserved a S1 Sagat.

We thought SFV deserved Sagat but Sagat didn’t deserve SFV.

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You guys know its possible for people to react to scenes in different ways right? Or for people to have conflicted feelings on something.

It’s not black and white.

killing his daughter wasn’t the part that was supposed to resonate with you, that he loved his daughter was, you dumb fuck. and it’s not a “literary trick,” it’s just a pretty simple fact that we can still empathize with “bad people” when the framing is correct, because, you know, they are ultimately still people and you have things in common with them regardless of what they’ve done

also i already said that the scene ultimately fails at its goals because his motivations ultimately don’t make enough sense, meaning instead of being left with an appreciation for what he was prepared to sacrifice, we’re left to be baffled that he actually thinks this is a good enough idea that sacrificing his daughter that he loves so much is worth it at all

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Yeah it sucks for Sagat to debut late into a SF game because the game and his gameplay will be more honest by default. Sagat has to hit the game at launch or hes already the Burger King

Its meant to create conflicting feelings. Chatsire got hit with the Edgar Allan Poe tech. Mans been dead for 150+ years and still getting dudes good.


Ok so now you agree with me which means you’ve owned me. again. sick. lmfao