SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Just a reminder, please support Capcom by buying MK11.

Quoted for emphasis.

do you just not remember her whip shit? the OS?

ok, so you don’t know what synonyms are either, or how dictionaries work, but you’re gonna sit here and talk like this. done responding to you

Woah can we not use Mika and ___ in the same sentence. :anguished:

Don’t need Capcom getting any ideas.

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Seems about right. :thinking:

Yo damn @flyingve actually blew out Chatshire

god damn he wont even respond now

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So what did we all learn today


That the Infinity war was really us the whole time.

Shit is profound.


MK the GOAT! Capcom is the shitter!!

Praise Lord Boon!

fake account spotted

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Says the blonde hair loving deviant.

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Would VTC be better if rules were such:

a) can be activated raw only when grounded
b) can be activated only on hit by specific normal
c) can be activated only on hit by specific special

Would that remove some of the foolishness? Or would that be to boring to play with.


I remember, but Mika was still just outside top 5 after every nerf cycle.

She’s gotten away scott free every season tbh.

Just sounds like limiting a mechanic heavily, I just think the concept of VTCs in general just isn’t healthy for fun neutral scenarios. You stop playing around someone and can just let a normal rip into your block pressure.

Idk how to fix them honestly, I’m fine with SFV as it is but I was just opening the discussion as to why I don’t think they’re a solid game mechanic.

it was a big enough nerf that it busted out the salt :woman_shrugging: i didn’t say it made her honest or anything, but jesus, if she still had OS clap into midscreen combos i would still be raging about her

yall chill out already




Yeah S1 Mika was probably top 1 or top 2 looking back. Her kit was absolutely insane, a character without a reversal in that early version of the game being that good was telling.

But she kept everything other than midscreen whip mix tbh. She has barely been touched since, even got some damage buffs along the way. Mika is one of the least adjusted characters in the game and has stayed one the best, it’s crazy. Dodging nerfs like Neo.


The a lot of Civil War involved the xmen and FF4; probably why they couldn’t replicate it as faithfully as they wanted it.

Can sympathize for his home planet being destroyed.

don’t know how much I can sympathize with sacrificing his daughter to murder half the universe in some half baked attempt to bring order to it though.