SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

that’s just not true. you are supposed to walk away thinking that. well, i guess more accurately, you’re supposed to be thinking it -during- the movie, not afterwards, because afterwards you’re really just supposed to be going “OMG THE SUPERHEROES ARE DYING!” you can look up w/ google how the writers talked about thanos going through a hero’s journey and such

joker isn’t a good example either. do you remember how in TDK they played with that boat scene and made it look like the criminals were gonna press the button and he’d be right? the dilemma of “oh no, maybe people ARE shitty, maybe he’s right…” is a source of the tension for the entire finale of that movie. even though he’s crazy, the narrative still suggests he might actually be right, that he’s not totally stupid and might even be right is what makes him effective/scary as a villain

You don’t know what protagonist means

I think you don’t realize that they’re kind of synonyms. You can sympathize with a character and still understand, ethically, that they are wrong. The problem with thanos is that I -don’t- understand his motivation, it doesn’t make a bit of sense

I better not ever hear no more SF shills talking bout X game don’t make sense. This shit is absurd.

Chatsire is secretly a homicidal maniac. Luke that is the only way anyone could walk away from IW and think Thanos was maybe right. His plan crumbles under 10s of critical thinking by anyone sane.

Goddamn can you really just not read


They are not synonyms.

This isn’t really a point of argument. To reference an earlier discussion, I understand why blizzard laid off a bunch of people, I don’t really sympathize at all.

Everyone agrees that “you” don’t understand. What everyone is saying is that “they” do, and they don’t find it the least bit sympathetic.

Ok, you’re 100% wrong, but you can look through a dictionary on your own time

Almost everyone here agrees that his plan does not make any sense at all lmao

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I can’t read but you’re the only person here who thinks Thanos plan is supposed to appear viable. You were in here like 2hrs ago saying “but he should be ded tho” when we are talking about fucking mortal kombat.

Shut your dumb ass up i hope mika takes you in your sleep and Menat is nerfed out of the game.

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Wait why are you hurting me too :frowning:

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Just a reminder, please support Capcom by buying MK11.

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feel or express sympathy.

“it is easy to understand and sympathize with his predicament”

synonyms: pity, feel/be sorry for, show sympathy for, be sympathetic toward, show compassion for, be compassionate toward, commiserate, offer condolences to, feel for, show concern, show interest;More

agree with a sentiment or opinion.

“they sympathize with critiques of traditional theory”

synonyms: agree, support, be in sympathy, be sympathetic toward, be in favor of, go along, favor, be well disposed to, approve of, commend, back, side with, align, encourage

“they sympathize with feminist critiques of traditional theory”




perceive the intended meaning of (words, a language, or a speaker).

“he didn’t understand a word I said”

interpret or view (something) in a particular way.

“as the term is usually understood, legislation refers to regulations and directives”

That took two fucking seconds. Your argument has now devolved to trying to change the definition of words.

I think you need to restate, because you are pretty much now at “I don’t like the thing” levels. That’s fine, but not really much of a position.

If you read that and don’t realize that you’re wrong I really can’t fucking help you lmfao
Fucking illiterates

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Planet had too many mouths to feed
Resources drying up and no means to make a more prospers life for everyone
People wasting time trying to be dat dude who can fix it all
Thanos “nigga we don’t got time fuh dat we dying out here”
Ay yo lets just kill half the population and shit
Everyone thinks that’s dumb as fuck
Does it anyway

Huh… yo if this work om my home turf… yo yo yo oh shiiiiit

Guess he truly was a mad titan all along

How are you getting that

Agree with
Perceive the intended meaning of

Are the same, they literally arent, in the same way that red isn’t blue.

I never want to here you complain about people not reading things again. For real man?

holy fuck


  1. understanding between people; common feeling.

This is starting to bring back bad memories of the Mika crying

They should had made him as a Titan that is obsess with Death itself

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You quoted the use in a sentence not the definition.

That’s not how dictionaries work.

Even then, the word “and” is used.

where i was 100% right and then she got nerfed like i said she would and was constantly told she wouldn’t be and everyone whined but in hindsight everyone now realizes that it was definitely a good idea?

what are you even fucking talking about

understanding between people; common feeling.
“the special sympathy between the two boys was obvious to all”

Mika has never been nerfed hard

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The line you quoted was not the definition of the word.

After the definition, they give a “use in a sentence” line for context. This is not a substitute for the definition But simply to let the reader understand how a word would be applied in a sentence. In that very example, the two words are used for separate meanings.

I’ll tell you what, tomorrow go out and swap the two words. Every time you would use one, use the other, see what happens. When your boss tells you to get those reports done, say you sympathize.