SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

He does it to the universe, and it only works so much in that, 50% of things do in fact die.

Any other effect is not touched on, but the movie does treat it as kinda bleak.

Aight gonna have to stop you right there, doubt you’ve ever seen any of their movies, Half Nelson is a great film.

Funny thing is I 100% agree with @chatshire

I would never write a bad guy like Thanos yet I’m perfectly fine wit how he turned out.

Thanos runs shit in the cosmos, but the NYPD gives no fucks about his long chin ass.


I don’t care Marvel movies are big leagues I don’t give a shit what indie art house silent movie you made. If you fuck with my man child escapism I’ll find you and scream really loud!!!

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Thanos is purple. White cops looked at him amd thought: “thats black enough to beat.”


God damn they upgraded the fuck outa Thanos lmao

Well then you shouldn’t care about Thor Ragnarok because that guy made indie films and shouldn’t have made that movie according to you :man_shrugging:

even if we’re supposed to believe that the planets he conquered being paradises now is total bullshit, which i don’t think we are, that would just make it even -worse- because at that point he would just be TOTALLY delusional and COMPLETELY unsympathetic in which case he’s an even shittier villain

at least with my interpretation you could say “well, maybe galactic economics are different or something” lmfao. you can still walk away with a half-sympathetic view of the character, which is what the movie clearly wants us to do - we’re supposed to connect emotionally with him at numerous points and feel conflicted, that’s why the movie spends actual time on him as a character and doesn’t have him just show up at the end to beat everyone’s ass

also whether or not the heroes are motivated to stop him isnt really the point. this is about how the audience responds to him, not captain america

But I liked that movie…

You didn’t get my point but that’s okay :^)

And everyone here says his plan is crazy?

Which audience is this?

Thanos plan is fucking dumb as shit


Infinity War was a fucking epic movie


that’s the problem. that’s not what they were going for
you were supposed to walk away going “oh man, is thanos right? what a difficult question to grapple with!” and instead you walked away thinking he was a total fucking psycopath who was clearly wrong in every conceivable way

You weren’t supposed to walk away thinking that at all


My guy said “Fuck it. I’m bout to be on my Cable shit. G’d up.”


Has infinite power.

Kills half the universe.

So what am I sympathizing with again?

you literally were. you just didn’t because they fucked it up lmao

you’re supposed to be asking yourself if it was for the greater good and if the ends justify the means and that kind of shit. instead the ends are obviously bad and so are the means because they wrote it badly

I sympathized with Thanos because of what happened to his home planet. Driven to insanity because his home planet was destroyed, because they wouldn’t do what he thought was the solution. He believes desperately that what he’s done is right…and wishes the universe to be spared from the pain that he had to go through.

I don’t agree with the method by any stretch, but understand what’s driven him to do what he’s doing, and why he believes what he’s doing works. And if we want to delve further, it could be argued that he sees it was working…in the short term. The time period between him adopting Gamora and the time that Infinity War happens isn’t all that long. He isn’t seeing the long term effects or considering them, he’s working on the solution he believes will work.

Alternatively, while not explored (again, relatively short time frame he’s doing all this), you could also argue he thinks that with half the population gone, the people would see how much better things are with less people hogging resources, so the people wouldn’t overpopulate as much. But there isn’t really a need to spoon feed everything…these are things we can speculate on our own.


I mean you sorta can. The issue is that the macguffin at least by movie logic should be able to enact the inverse of his plan.

Since the magic glove is magic it sorta makes the moral dilema non existent because you think, “why not do the good guy thing”. Wondering about logic behind Thanos plan is like wondering why god gave humans free will.