Oh that’s such a copout. It’s just a movie so they couldn’t give him a motivation that made any fucking sense? They already fucking had one from the comics, make him fall in love with some stupid death god. Then the audience would at least be able to say “Wow, he’s doing whatever it takes for the one he loves! I can understand how a person would be driven to do such a thing, even though it’s terrible!” This is basic shit and the work was already done for the writers
Like, falling in love with some lady death god we’ve never seen before would actually be LESS of a suspension of disbelief break than trying to tell me that killing half of everyone on a planet fixed all of that planet’s problems. And again you’re wrong: this isn’t even like a failure of thanos’ logic because he’s so crazy, that’s not how it’s portrayed. This is a failure of the WRITERS to not understand that that is not how population works
Hey, I’d be fine if all these movies just said to refer to the comics for the back story on all these characters, but that isn’t how any of them have been handled.
So we get a world where the Mandarin is a fraud, and Thanos is a space ecoterrorist.
I guarantee endgame is going to involve some bullshit moral quandary for the heroes where they have to decide whether or not to reverse what thanos did because they’re shown it actually did fix stuff
That wasn’t my point, but fine. I conceded this point already but Again, you are technically correct.
You literally won’t meet anything halfway. Earlier today you were all over Mortal Kombat because “that would have killed him”. Like, seriously?
You standards for suspension of disbelief are simply extremely low. When they are this low, you are never going to understand how other people might be okay with something.
so you watched a guy get a hook through his skull and went “yeah, i can see how he’s still standing”??? i don’t think you maintained any kind of suspension of disbelief through that, i think you never had any disbelief to begin with lmao. And that was mostly just a joke to make fun of how the announcer said “finish him” afterwards so weird thing to bring up to begin with
Should also be added that they couldnt use Lady Death because she was tied with the xmen properties. Same reason why Civil War was half assed (original Civil War’s inciting incident involves a mutant blowing up an elementary school).
This is actually one way they can spin how they get everyone back and I’m okay with that.
Cap Marvel was bad in her own movie because the directors were shit plus one of them look like soy boi.
The Russo’s will fix her character than have Thanos take a galatic shit on her corpse after he dabs on her for trying to fuck with his farm. Then they can sideline her ass and have it be about the people who deserve to bring everyone back
I still remember how shocked I was watching Thanos kill off the heroes in the Infinity Gauntlet story. Dude got rid of them in the most hilarious ways.
No, I’m literally responding to them portraying his plan as if it was a viable option, because in the fucking movie he does it to a goddamn planet and it works do you not remember this?