SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

…all this is reminding me of is when I showed a friend of mine Infinity War and he said “so Thanos is just like Ultron”

Not sure what the appropriate reaction was at the time

? Yeah, I know.

That’s because he’s the hero of the movie

Villians you empathize with make for more compelling characters. Believe it or not evil people often believe they are right.

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Yes, which is why usually when you write a villain to be sympathetic, you give them a sympathetic motivation. Trying to make me empathize with him doesn’t work when his plan is so stupid a little kid could figure out the problem

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By the end of Endgame, the Avengers will bring everyone back, and as Thanos kneel before Tony and Cap, he will pull an Ozymandias “see how killing half of the population brought everyone together? All according to keikaku”

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You must be fun at the movies.

I mean, you are right, but you are taking the nitpicking to a frankly silly level.

It’s fiction, things aren’t quite going to make sense. Also, in the movie it’s not really clear what the limit of his power is. He is never shown really doing something akin to creating infinite resources, so I would argue that takes the same kind of suspension of disbelief you won’t give to the rest of the movie.


Thanos name is derived from a word for Death. So his solution isn’t going to make sense. He is gonna go out there and kill because he is literally the Galaxy’s foremost pyschopath.

Think the problem you’re pointing out is that if you don’t really know much about Thanos beforehand, then he definitely falls into that tough Space random thing; which is a fair criticism as far as his characterization goes. Probably where the movie kind of fails as far the character goes. Failed to capture just how much of a batshit insane piece of shit he actually is. Trying to be too sympathetic towards at time for a person who is literally on the conquest to commit mass murder.

His solution is still batshit though. Think the scene where he adopts Gamora is supposed to show that. He is trying to be nice to a little girl while literally murdering his mom and a bunch of the people in her planet. Don’t know that the scene lingered enough to really get the that statement across though.

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I hope Cap Marvel is in every Marvuru movie so twinblades can write walls of posts every week :smirk:

Brie Larson is bae

Don’t see the resemblance. She has broader jawline and shorter nose than Kolin,

The movie portrayed his insanity perfectly. It’s just that people need everything spoon fed to them.


He’s the star, but he’s not the hero. Because he’s… you know… wrong and evil.

But that’s kinda the point, and the heroes in the movie oppose him, even if they don’t have a monologue explaining why he’s wrong.

Quite frankly, he wants to kill half of everything. You don’t even need to get into philosophical crap to call that evil. It’s evil even on a surface level.

I look at the movies and the comic books as each being their own things. So movie Thanos only gets to be who the movies tell us he is.

One of your best strawman arguments yet.

Go back and re read what i said. Theres nothin about “mashing sim” what i said was “doesnt know frame data” i used that argument SPECIFICALLY for highland because our local sim was master rank (or close) last time i checked and highland specifically bitches (to me on messenger) about how that sim dont know frame data and still wins.

In b4 standard frosty replay of “irregardless of that, this is what i meant”

Or some such.

Anywho, im now a personal business operator and replying to stuff like this takes up too much of my time. The earlier rant was because my mentor pissed me the fuck off and business is tough.

Good day all.


Not even operas worked that way, my dude. Although I’m guessing this is an agreement about certain failures in characterization though.

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Good luck @Dime

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Maybe don’t write the words on screen if you’re going to tell me they mean something else. You literally said it word for word.

The Homies in the back are all starstruck.

@twinblades You got Kolin in JPN or ENG. Answer carefully.

Still reminds me of her somewhat

Additional bits to this;

Any time he’s shown in battle (from memory, maybe someone can correct me and throw a wrench in this), he never creates anything, barring energy beams. He alters stuff that already exists. Additionally when he’s seen bending reality, it never seems permanent, more akin to a vision or hallucination (ie, fooling the GotG crew, or showing what his planet used to be like).

“Matter cannot be created or destroyed,” I believe is how it goes? Perhaps the same limit applies to the infinity stones. They can’t create new things, only alter what already exists (even when people are erased out of existence they seem to leave behind remnants of dust…so matter is being conserved, in a sense. Disintegrated). And operating on that, wiping out half of existence would be the primary option for Thanos once he got all the stones. He couldn’t just create double the resources for everyone.

I suppose that’s trying to apply too much logic to a movie with space magicians stealing necklaces from wizards though :stuck_out_tongue: