SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

My nigga.

Fuck you twin!

i dont think thanos is a good villain
his motivation is terrible. wtf is this overpopulation shit you can wish for anything you want just wish for it to not be a problem anymore. youre not even fixing anything the populations will just increase and itll happen again. dude really went through all that effort to put up a temporary roadblock. and what about all the places in the universe that arent overpopulated

also he look stupid


You didn’t lose much, very inconsequential. A better movie if you’re young I think.

Yeah it’s a dumb idea cause he’s insane and thinks it’ll work.

Yo Iroh gotta chill. I’m trash and doing my best. I play boxer/Mika and just do shit k.

but the movie pretends like it would lol. they’re trying to write him as really smart and doing what must be done. nobody in the movie ever goes “dude this doesn’t make any sense” they just go “but people will -die-!”


Did we talk about this yet? I don’t normally MK, but when I do I:


If that was the case then why didn’t I like Captain Marvel?

Cool but BP was made by a white guy. I’m not mad about the movie and I understood everything about it but again the achievement aspect of the film while cool didn’t make the movie any better than most super movies. I rank Doctor Strange higher than BP. this is the reason why so many people try to shut down criticism of Cap Marvel because it has a woman in it and it’s the first solo movie with with a female lead. We had Wonder Woman like two years ago and there’s plenty of strong women in tent pole movies. I’m not gonna stand for revisionism because it fits some narrative for whatever the current trend is even for Marvel movies.

But see if BP had released without the Marvel Studios clout that wouldn’t be the case. I’m glad the movie mad a shit ton of money domestically and I’m glad it got a few golden statues. I still think the movie was 100% over hyped. BP was cooler in Civil War than his own movie.

I base a movie off it’s merit as a film and then cultural landmarks. As a movie I think it’s in the top 10 Marvel movies but I also wouldn’t place it top 5.

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Dr. Strange better than BP? Hard disagree, though I like both movies and find Strange himself a cooler hero than Black Panther.

As the wind driven snow.

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Thanos gets surrounded by yes men, nobody fucking with him lmao. I imagine come End Game you’ll see the negative impact it will have had on the world, showing how insane the guy was.

He’s shown as some kinda righteous good but the dude enjoys murdering people and found an excuse for it in his whole balance ideal. A bit like religious zealots.

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Thanos’s comic book motivation is to impress a broad.

Step up from making him a total simp. Definitely living up to the title of The Mad Titan.


So he was an incel?


omg i wish MCU had gone that route

He used the infinity gaunlet to make himself a waifu totally loyal to him.

Take that as you may.


BP was gorgeous, well made, and we’ll acted. But the actual plot was very meh. Important movie for extrinsic reasons though.

Doc Strange also well made, not quite as well acted, and had great effects instead of being quite as gorgeous. Slightly more clever plot than BP. Completely unimportant movie, but features almost peak white saviour complex which makes it super funny as a point of comparison with BP.

Opinion I don’t agree with but I understand why you feel that way.

I disagree. His motives makes sense in the logic of the movie and how he frames how he came to that conclusion.

I 100% agree but I also think this is why he’s great. He believes so fucking much that his stupid illogical plan is the right way because he think’s he some divine prophet. We as the audience know its dumb but Josh Brolin does an amazing job of conveying a man that truly believes that bullshit. And in turn I believe he believes it. It makes me care that much more at the end when he wins (spoilers sorry) and now I wanna see how the heroes fix the shit.

This is also 100% true but you have to understand that the re-population of the earth isn’t gonna be an immediate thing. The heroes want the people back now. That’s where the conflict comes from. Thinking about it from that perspective doesn’t really due Thanos justice as the villain.

I’m getting the strap.

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Stan Lee is the GOAT tho RIP.