SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

If anything Ragnarok is underrated because everyone gets lost in the quips and the jokes and doesn’t notice the overarching narrative that points out that a civilization built on colonialism can only be redeemed by it’s destruction regardless of it’s attempts to make amends

As for Cap 1:
Steve Rodgers jumps on a fucking grande to save everybody when he’s a weak scrawny guy with an oversized head, because he’s already a hero, he is just like that, he doesn’t need powers to be one.
The film captures the essence of the character flawlessly and it does so with great scenea like that, if anything it’s criminally underrated.

Honestly, I’ve always been more of a comic dude. Most of the big stories? Read them. I think it’s because I could always do it my own pace, whereas I usually have to watch a movie all the way through. I really don’t know how I this happened, but I gotta rectify that.

I like the first one for being dark, yet the second one was better yeah.

So you are the guy that turns off the brain completely when watching a movie.
It’s not about black people being in a movie, it’s about a nearly entirely black cast with a black director being a big budget Hollywood blockbuster and the story revolving how fucking advanced an African civilization that has not been colonized could have been.


You are missing the point. It wasn’t that Black Panther was a black superhero film. Blade wasn’t in a movie that was near 100% black. Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman were only white people in the main cast. They jokingly called themselves the Tolkien White Guys. A movie with a near all black cast made 1.3 billion dollars. That is a big fucking deal. It out grossed The Last Jedi.


as for the marvel

I myself only watched 2 avenger movies, 3 ironman, blackpanther and the civil war one.

Yet most I watched were Blade, GH, Xmen and Spidey.

As for DC I didn’t watched those afleck movies, What I digging was the animated movies mostly.

Twinblades autopiloting his slide VTC. Should’ve woke canceled that comment.

GotG1, Infinity War and Raganarok are the only ones I think are super good. Lot of the MCU films feel throwaway, I saw Black Panther and thought it was kinda wack.

Actually Civil War was really good too.

I really enjoyed Logan because it was much different.

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Also Killmonger is my favorite MCU villian after Thanos.

  1. Thanos
  2. Killmonger
  3. Hela

Fuck Ultron my baby Hela tho

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Current MCU villains outside of Thanos all felt a bit lacking.

XMen IMO has some of the best villains. So MCU just got a giant buff. Magneto and Galactus are fucking dope.

Speaking of Marvel.

What are your thoughts with Snapback to a Mahvel or similar game?

Yeah it felt so drawn out
The second one had cooler action scenes but it felt like the story was worse, Walton Goggins was just some expendable guy in suit villain that was pretty forgettable, and then they never attempt to explain how Michelle Pfeiffer’s character lived in that microverse down there all those years… it just felt so lazy

Missed out on most of the Marvel films but out of the ones I’ve seen my top 5 are:

Infinity War
Civil War
Thor: Ragnarok
Spiderman Homecoming

…if you yell at me about not listing better ones it’s cause I probably haven’t seen 'em yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t see Spiderman. We team Toby over here


Unbreakable is the best super hero movie dont @ me

Walton Goggins sounds like something I would have named an NPC in a D20 Modern campaign.

I give zero cred to any writer who can’t name characters better than I can. I suck at it.

Unbreakable is still quite great.

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The question every SFV player asks themselves


Because of the lag I swear!

In other words, I teched those throws

Lmao fuck family and whatever nonsense happened in the 1st movie. Them shits put me to sleep.

Guess we ain’t cool then chump.

Because every character is broken OP fuckhead with cheap unreactable shit and VT scumbaggery.

Except mine, I’m fighting the good fight over here with my honest char.