SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Even if you don’t like them, they still serve a purpose and that’s as a palette cleanser. There’s a reason they usually have them done after Avengers movies.


Right there with you. The only reason I watched Ant Man 1 was because it was a long ass flight and one of the few palatable options. Wasn’t bad but was really mediocre.

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Its funny where we draw our lines of acceptable fake shit. Standing flat footed then jumping 10 feet in the air is normal. Fireballs from the hands. Summoned magic. Getting pile driven thru a floor. All normal.

Then we get some ultra violence and we’re like nah no way. It bugs me too but it makes no sense for it to.


If you guys get bored, there’s also another round of Smash Drama because that Community can’t go two seconds without setting a nuclear bomb on themselves.

I miss good ole FGC drama…when it was simply about someone calling someone else ass and building to a Money Match…

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The shrinking effects are pretty cool the first time you see them, particularly the car chase scene in Ant-Man 2.

They’re not better or worse than most other MCU movies though IMO. Basically the only two movies that stand out in this entire franchise are Winter Soldier and the first Avengers. And of course Iron-Man 2 but that one mostly because it’s horrible.

I liked iron man 2 for whatever reason. I thought 3 was awful. I fell asleep in the theater.

But that was my point. There’s plenty of bad MCU movies. No point picking captain marvel out of the group like its the only disputable poorly made film.

I have to agree that Iron Man 2 was objectively awful.

Between IM2/IM3 one has to be on the list.

  1. Captain Marvel
    This movies takes advantage of the MCU mythos and uses it as a means to tell a forgettable orgin story about a character that hasn’t been eluded to for over 10 year/20 movies. Every character in the movie is underutilized and that goes for the main character.

  2. Thor 2

  3. Thor 1

I’m just putting both of them together because I don’t feel like they differ enough as films to weigh which one is weaker. I enjoy the Thor movies for what they are but both are on the weaker end of both of their respective phases. I actually remember watching the first Thor on DVD and buy the time he got down to earth and I actually said to myself… this seems kinda whack.

  1. Angers: AoU
    This isn’t the worst because it’s an Avengers movie so by sure namesake it isn’t complete shit. However, AoU trips over itself by basically being Marvel’s Justice League. It tries to shoehorn shit about the stones, Wakanda, setting up Scarlet Witch an an Avenger, trying to make us care about Quick Silver, trying to make us care about Black Widow and Banners hamfisted “relationship” and setting up Civil War. It was doing too much shit with not enough time.

Oh and Ultron was a shit villain.

  1. Iron Man 2 3

It just meh but yeah Black Widow… you know what fuck IM3 gets this spot because fuck that Mandarin bait and switch.

Edit: Waiting for Zio then gonna put my top 5!

I got to thinking about sfv and i think in order for basic bitch sfv characters to be good they need some dumb stuff.

Like Karin needs to do massive damage from poke conversions. Guile/Menat need busted zoning.

The way dashes, CCs and VTs work a character that has to carefully pick you apart for 70 seconds without a silly VT or busted neutral tools is always going to be no better than mid tier.

It doesn’t really matter if rashid or whoever gets nerfed. You won’t really be able to make most archtypes in this game “bad” without severly crippling them in a way that no one picks them.

Uh look at you misunderstanding my intentions, you hang out with Benny Boi too much, you starting to pick up his behavior.
Just making fuck of your crusade against Cpt “when’s” mahavel

But since we’re here you really wanna go on the record saying that it is a worst movie than Thor 2? And that Thor 1 is worst than fucking Iron man 2? Not even considering the lack of the Incredible Sulk?

Yo hold the fuck on what is the shitting of IM3 now?
Am I talking to a bunch of idiots butthurt about the mandarin change?

Ed Norton Hulk was so long ago that most people don’t even count it as part of the MCU. It was terrible btw.

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I call myself a Marvel fan, yet I’ve only seen like 3 MCU movies.


Same year as Iron Man
The long ago one was the Eric Bana one, the one with super whacky scene transition and for some reason was “a brooding think piece about a green giant that smashes stuff”

So you think IM3 was a good movie? Would explain why you say so much stupid shit in this thread. :thinking:

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IM3 sucked on its own. Mandarin swap or not. It just doesn’t help that the actual villian was terrible.


You one of them niggas that only watches the big team up movies huh? I know your type!!!

You aren’t even saying that the movies are good though you’re just like “buuuuut this one is worse than that one”. So my list still stands it’s just that they’re interchangeable.

Anyway my top 5

  1. Winter Soldier
  2. IM1
  3. Guardians 1
  4. Infinity War
  5. Civil War

WS still the OG.


Why should I even waste time on explaining something to you? You’ve proven over and over that all you can do in regards to movies is regurgitating whatever meme opinion social media vomits

Damn didn’t realize they were both 08. Idk it seems disconnected. Probably because they got rid of Ed. Or because it was that bad. Or both

Tony Stank was in the post credit scene and it was a good one. But the only thing that carried over from that movies was Thunderbolt.