SFV Lounge: Revealed DEEZ NUTZ! They don't reveal $H1T. Momochi plz wakeup super

Thanks Pertho

Is s.hp the button that gives you a year to confirm into Target Combo or is that only in Young stance?

That’s YeeZy’s button. Ozzy’s button cancels into either stance switch to be at +1, HK koku to be at -2, or gets jumped over so you can say hello to darkness your old friend.:cry:


Sometimes there is a difference between total frames on whiff vs on block. It’s rare though, barring bugs. Smash 4 had a bug where there was high hitstop when a strong attack hit a shield, but the devs forgot to apply it to the defender, making blocked attacks have more total frames than when it whiffed.

They fixed it in the patch after Ryu’s release, possibly because it was more obvious on him than most.

Zoomed out view of the grass stage:


Where IS Daemos? His belief in Final Round reveal made him be hospitalized or something?

You see someone interact with this board so long, and then after you don’t see them for a while you start thinking the worst. The last time someone disappeared like that was Detective Yusuke, and then we found out he had died.


Fuck man, why you gotta bring that up? Yusuke was a cool dude.

Same with Shatta.


Hope Daemos is good. I understand we all have lives outside of SRK, but not seeing him for this long does feel strange.


I remember when Estarix and you used to downplay Yeezy s.HP. Good times.

Yeah safe cheap is important. You don’t wanna do risky cheap, but you can’t do fair safe. It has to be CHEAP safe. It just has that key word which is cheap.

Punk Wong and Du all use cheap safe characters. They’re safe, but they have safe stuff that cheaply rewards them better than other characters that can do safe stuff. Menat and Guile’s safe is cheaper than Falke’s and Sagat’s. Du used to use Mika for a while too, although you can play Mika safely cheap to a degree like Fuudo especially does.

Interesting that you bring up the characters like Blanka, G and Abi. I feel G especially is interesting because he has brought Gustavo back into real tournament relevancy again. Is G a typical “gimmicky” character that the Japanese don’t value very heavily? Sure, but G is a Gustavo character. He likes fundamentals, but he needs a command grab.

Season 1 Gustavo = Tried Laura, but went to Mika because she was better.

Season 2 = Was finally a threat again with OD Laura

Season 3 = Pretty much didn’t see him but I believe was messing with Mika still until G hit and basically has labbed the hell out of G until S4.

Season 4 = G almost got him top 8 and we’ll see where else it goes.

He could go to a safer cheap character, but there are really no safer cheap characters that fit his style. Gief is too OG slow wall grappler and Mika’s buttons just aren’t long enough. G finally gives him that Abel still big footsie grabber he’s been looking for since he’s a grabber that relies heavily on footsies.

Although it’s not an IDEAL choice to play G solo in tournaments, it does give Gustavo the best way for him to play safely cheap minus the president/trigger/no defensive options gimmick he’s based around. Smug has it down well with Boxer as back up. If he’s in a matchup where G will get mauled, can throw out Boxer who’s defensive options are a bit better. Then if Boxer has to fight some command grab character he doesn’t like too much, odds are G will at least be able to play the zone better. G and Boxer pretty much doom him vs Bison, but what can you do.

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Fun Fact: If you PM a person, they get sent an e-mail about it unless they’ve changed settings.

So if you’re worried about somebody, send him a PM and blow up his e-mail in a nice and kind way.

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Is the SEEN status in profile represent the time he last view and interact the site?

He was 48 min ago pass.


Yeah, it says he was last seen an hr ago.

Looks like he’s good.

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Yes, he was a cool and chill dude.

Hopefully he’s just felt hes done what hes needed here and keeps us in good faith. He said Papa delivers and he will

I don’t think characters like G can win majors without things falling their way, they can pull a win out of their ass vs high level opponents, but I’m just not sold on that working against 4-5 top end players.

It never really worked for Abel, I can’t see it working on G. These dudes are just too good at avoiding bullshit.


Definitely. It’s a similar situation to SFIV where Gustavos archetype will remove him from major wins, but at least he’ll be able to stay relevant with a character that fits his style

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NRS games. lol.

Unsafe cheap isn’t even cheap…the definition of cheap is shit that is too good for too little skill or something of that nature.

“Cheap” and “mixup” aren’t the same thing. Not even close.

This is why pokes can be cheap and strategies can be cheap as well and neither is a mixup.

Cheapest move in this game currently is Karin’s cr.mk.

People don’t realize she is the reincarnation of 3s Chun. Oh but now that I’ve said it they will.

In before people start understanding how crazy young zekus st.hp is… oh wait, yeah I said that too.

There are other moves as well, but most are known. Most slept on button in this game right now is probably Sagats st.hk. It’s a DP versus any standing poke. And fighting gat without standing pokes is a helluva thing.


It’s going to get cheap. LOL. It always does.

Apparently one of the tweets said the combo isn’t real and you can use the juggle fall mechanic to drop out of it.

Depends , EX kunai is pretty cheap, but it can be unsafe in the right read.

Sagats st HK is good, but I wouldn’t put it in the top 5, probably not even in the top 10.

Since anyone with a crouching cancel will blow it up.