SFV Lounge: Makoto is coming for sure. F2P definitely. RIP Pertho's doggy

Nah, I just don’t think the game is that good. Marvel 2 has been out for 18 years and that scene is going strong. They have to use consoles that are going to be 2 to 3 gens behind, still have their 360s/PS3s hooked up and getting games.

Hell, I just hooked my PS3 back up just to start learning that all over again. For better or worse, this game is just meandering in a weird ways for a lot of people.

Problem is those characters don’t get guaranteed knockdowns like they would’ve in SF4. They have some shenanigans. Unfortunately they don’t have access to that type of universal quotient. Looking at the cast real quick, it feels that for a chunk of it the developments are going to be in how to play the neutral against certain characters.

But the footsies in this game are kind of goofy. Hard to find underutilized normals because of how specialized everything is. Think FANG, Juri, Rashid’s VT2 and Alex’s Vt2 are going to be the biggest winners of an arcade release. Urien, Kolin, Ibuki and Menat will get super optimized in really tiny ways each. A lot of the cast is going to keep doing what they do for the most part.

People might finally have to deal with how good Zeku’s VT1 is. Sakura just gets a lot of her neutral figured out in better ways so match points go her way because the players get better. Not really sure that Laura, Necali, Cammy, Ryu, Ken, etc suddenly gain a lot more tech. Very possible but it doesn’t feel like there’s anything really waiting to be discovered.


Nothing better than flip out when Dictator does 3f into special after blocked Psycho Axe.

Even the producer for SC6 said this shit. Do you really think there’s an Injustice or MKX if MK9 flops?

The position of the FGC is to play the games. The modern era is a little bit different because you buy now to have a say later. So no, what’s happening is that there are very real economic forces dictating the market for these games. Future games for this scene are hostages to those forces. That’s why its in our best interest that every fighting game release be bloated with fluff for casual players; fluffy nonsense is what gets non-fgc people to buy games so we get more of them.

Me putting up with shitty ass SF5 lead to running a bunch of tournaments for the game, tournament for other games, growing my local scene in a positive direction and continued participation in SRK. I could’ve done other things, but dealing with with the discomfort of a game I don’t like created more positive things than walking away.

As a matter of fact, walking away from hobby had little to do with not liking 5 (although that sort of made it easier) and more to do with the level of shittiness I had to deal with from a few local players.

But what how have the players who quit positively impacted anything? A lot of people dropped this game like flies and SRK experienced a SECOND brain drain. That means that a lot of the really knowledgeable posters didn’t stick around to pass on a lot of knowledge, points of views on certain aspects of the game, approaches to offense/defense or some of that mentorship that helps make new players better. How did the hobby win from people quitting? Read all of that again. That is a certifiable net loss for everybody.

so yeah, this will be the years were I’m not really playing a game I enjoy. A lot of the old guard has had to grin and bear it. Shit, Mike Ross grinned and beared a lot of SF4 and did a whole lot of positive for the overall scene in the process.

So once again, don’t care how you feel. You’re once again demonstrably wrong.


Y’all have something pretty fucking great while you’re at it. Cover of Wish You Were Here:

Yo, I think the remaining new characters for MK11 got leaked


I know what most of people think about SF4 online experience, but playing online at the time on Xbox wasn’t that infuriating like SFV netcode is. Rollback could even being better, but if the implementation of it is bad the actual mess it’s not surprising at all. Compared to 10yrs ago internet has been improved worldwide, but in 2019 we have to consider lag when someone starts pressing buttons to leave the dizzy state or just in training mode. I mean,really?

Part of the successful balance of S4 comes from how similar most characters are played all over,bunch of +2/+3 normals and -2 situations were the attacker can take the risk of doing dp for keeping the turn alive,all of that over and over. SF4 had his issues, but didn’t look that tamed down like SFV and the eSports thing doesn’t allowed people to take risks in playing what they want to play. We all know Bonchan will use Karin most of the time this year, sponsors don’t pay trips and shit for losers. SFV ain’t gonna change anyway, Capcom heard all the complaints about SF4 and all that leads to what SFV is now, with that in mind I feel hilarious hoping on SF6 to show up quickly because Capcom can’t really fix issues without opening another can of worms, so better stay quiet about the next title.

No Ono at Evo Japan, does that mean no news to share?

A couple of quick comments:

1- anyone that thinks SF4 netcode was better has a real thick pair of nostalgia goggles on. SF4 netcode was never good at any point in its run. At best it could be functional.

2- I’m not sure how much we should care about the “Bonchan can’t play Sagat” argument. Who says he needs to play Sagat? In other games I never hear people say things like that. It’s a new game, and you should expect people’s main characters to change. No one was saying “Tokido can’t play Vega” in SF4? If Bonchan is a Karin player now, so be it.


No Blanka, no news.

Our best bet was always the start of the CPT season.

yep, it has been horrible lately

And Eventhubs just put out an article on that very tweet. :sweat_smile:

you mix things up. i asked you a direct question which you didnt answered so far. look at how the conversation started.
when game sale numbers itself are bad, yeah…it might lead to the series taking a break or not getting continued. that doesnt mean that after you already purchased the game for full price you have to throw as much money as you can to that company via buyng dlc´s, especially when you are not pleased with the initial purchase.

indeed, the more content there is for non hardcore player the more sales you might get and its important to have that kind of stuff in your game. people, me included had that discussion just a “few” posts above.

its not about walking away or quit but more with do things for games you actually want to play and support. which game do you like to play? dont has to be a new one.
these people who grind and bear it do it because the majority of the time they fail to understand that there are actuall other fighting games out there. mike ross as the best example. wouldnt he have forced himself to stick to sfv and got into gg earlyer maybe he wouldnt have had the meltdown he had and instead continue what he did but with a other game…

people quitting srk. yeah, thats sucks and the overall…downfall in term of knowledge in comparison to sf4 times is very clear. question is, did these people quit fighting games overall or moved on to other games. and when they moved on why did they didnt sticked to this place? based on our intern discussions about the board the answer is very clear…

thats just, your opinion. which on the first part isnt even on point about what i actually talked about.

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Been unplayable for weeks now… really hoping MK delivers on the netcode

I bought SF5 twice along with season passes, bought one of the DLCs once. I’ve bought plenty of other FG releases too.

By my logic I’ve bought a lot of games I don’t actively play because doing so ensures that those companies stay afloat. So I won KoF 14 with DLC, I own Mark of the Wolves on PS4, bought AC+R on Ps3, bought Xrd near release, bought DLC, Bought Rev 2 etc. So yeah, I’ve spent money on stuff I don’t actively play just to support the companies.

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Congrats on being retarded

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You can’t conflate buying the game with buying DLC. Those are different things altogether. Supporting the game doesn’t mean I drop a thousand dollars into all the bullshit they’ve put up. Spending money on releases though, that gets their attention.


In 7 years of SF4 I didn’t have almost disgust to go online like in SFV. WiFi warriors and laggy matches were there also, but I didn’t played in an atrocious online like this. You could have a PC and a PS4 in the same home,have a matches between the two and have lag. You can try PC vs PC or PS4 vs PS4, shit ain’t gonna change. That’s SFV netcode actually. I don’t even talk about other things like region filter and all, just raw connections. I didn’t heard the same netcode complaints at all, you can have bad online experience even with a super connection. If I have nostalgia googles on, then we didn’t played the same game.

Actually I don’t care what Bonchan use, but that argument comes out as a thermometer about how good Sagat is in SFV by most people here and there.

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The fact that SF5 perseveres inspite of all the hate it receives is astonishing.


Who is this directed at?